Tik Tok | Draco Malfoy

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Requested: by hilifesucks
Warnings: cursing
Special Details: modern AU


"Do you have Tik Tok?" Y/n asked, sitting down next to Draco, her boyfriend in the Slytherin common room.


"Tik Tok. Do you have it?" She repeated, pulling out her phone.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asked. Y/n sighed and held her hand out.

"Give me your phone." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to her.

She went to the app store and downloaded the app for him. As it was installing, she explained it to him.

"Tik Tok is an app where you make and/or watch short videos. I don't really know how to explain it but trust me."

Once it was installed, she helped him set it up.

----- (the rest of this is going to be y/n doing a bunch of different tik Toks and his reaction to them so it'll be kind of all over the place oops) -----

Y/n was laying across the couch in the common room while Draco sat on an arm chair doing his homework. She held her phone in a way that didn't make it obvious she was filming.

"Draco?" She asked. He hummed in response.

"I feel like you could have been nicer to me today." She said with a fake sadness in her voice.

"What?" He asked. He looked heartbroken. He put down his work and stood up. He walked over to her and flopped on top of her, showering her with kisses.

"I'm so so so so sorry. I'll be nicer."

"Draco. Oh my goodness. It was a prank for a Tik Tok. You're amazing. I'm sorry. I love you."


For this Tik Tok, y/n had Blaise and Crabbe in on it. They were all gathered around the table at lunch. Crabbe held his phone as if he was just looking at it.

"Hey y/n?" Blaise asked. She hummed in response, having a mouthful of food.

"What would you do if you and Draco broke up?" He asked. Draco's eyes immediately shot towards her.

"Umm. I would probably get back with my ex." Y/n replied nonchalantly.

Draco stood up and stormed off. Crabbe quickly handed y/n the phone and she ran after him.

"Draco! Wait! Stop!" She called after him.

"Y/n, you know, if you really miss him that much, go for it. I'm not going to try to stop you." He said, whirling around, not noticing the phone in her hand.


"What" he spat "y/n I-" he continued, looking heartbroken.

"Draco, honey, if we broke up, you would be my ex." His eyebrows furrowed and then softened.

"Oh." He sighed, finally noticing the phone recording him.

"Oh." She repeated, laughing.


"Hey." Y/n said, sitting down next to Draco outside of Malfoy Manor. (She was spending the holidays with them).

"Hey." He responded.

There was a moment of silence.

"You want something." He realised.

"Can we make a Tik Tok together? Please?" She asked.

"I guess so." He sighed.

She showed him her idea.

The two made their way into a bathroom.

Draco picked up y/n and she pressed record.

"This my baby. And ain't nobody finna touch 'em." The sound came from the phone.

Y/n stopped recording. The two switched positions.

"This my baby." Y/n said, struggling to hold her boyfriend and laughing the entire time. "I can't oh my gosh."


Draco had finally gotten the hang of Tik Tok and he decided to prank y/n to make up for the many times she had pranked him.

"Hey babe?" He asked, walking up to her, recording.

"Yeah?" She said.

"You're the love of my life right now." He said.

"R-right now?" She stumbled.

"Yep. In a few years, there's gonna be another one." He smiled.

"What?" Her eyes started watering.

"And she's gonna call you mommy." He finished.

Y/n was speechless. She hugged her boyfriend as tight as she could.


"Draco, come here, I'm doing a Tik Tok and I want you to watch."

She was planning on doing the "look at my ass look at my thighs" Tik Tok.

Draco walked over to her. He was in the camera a little bit, but y/n was still very visible.

The sound started.

"Look at my ass-" was all Draco needed to hear before he sprang into action, stepping in front of her and giving her a huge hug so that she couldn't do the dance.

----- (this is after the war so harry and Draco are friends now) -----

"What dance should we do?" Y/n asked Ginny. They were sitting on the floor and planning a Tik Tok. Draco and Harry were both in the room, but weren't paying much attention.

"The supalonely one!" She exclaimed.

"Okay!" Y/n giggled. The two stood up and y/n set up her phone, but flipped the camera so that it faced the two boys.

The the music started and Draco and Harry looked up from their phones.

They both immediately sported huge smiles.

Draco leaned forward in his seat. Harry started drumming along with the song on his legs.

Neither of the boyfriends even noticed that the camera had been flipped until y/n posted the video, tagging them.

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