Favorites | Harry Hook

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Requested: No
Warnings: Trigger Warning (maybe), cursing
Other Info: Hades' daughter, but doesn't have magic.(I know he's in the third one, but he'll be really different in this)

Y/n's POV
I jumped from rooftop to rooftop, looking for things to steal, Jay, the son of Jafar, doesn't come on this side of the Isle, so there will be more options, considering he hasn't taken them. Anyways, I see a little girl holding a purse. I jumped down from the roof, into an alley-way, and sneak up from behind her. I grab the purse, turn around an run, I slip into another alley and I'm immediately slammed into the wall. I groan, squeezing my eyes shut, my back aching.
"I've been following that little girl for ten minutes. Give the purse to me." A guy with a thick accent whispers into my ear. I open my eyes, and am met with piercing blue eyes. I groan again, this time just in my head, realizing who my attacker was.
"Well, Harry, if you had really wanted it, you'd have gotten it first." I then kneed him in the... you know what, and ran up the fire escape and onto the roof, disappearing from his sight.
"Y/n!" I hear him long, but I'm long gone.
*End flashback*

That, however, was three years ago. Now, Harry is Uma's best mate, and I'm her best friend. Harry and I are very good friends... most of the time. For example, right now, we are arguing. Uma is working at her mom's restaurant, and we are arguing over who is in charge (even though when she left she said that we both were).
"I'm her first mate!" He yelled.
"But I'm her best friend!" I yelled back.
"Uh, guys?" Gil says.
"Not now, Gil." We say in unison.
"Uma's back." He says.
"Oh." We say again. We give each other one last glare, before turning to look at Uma.
"Can you guys just kiss already?"
"W-what?" I stutter. Harry smirks.
"What, Y/n? Scared?" He was stepping closer and closer with every word. By then, I was backed against the side of the ship. He kept getting closer. He whispered in my ear, "I don't bite... Most of the time." That sent shivers down my spine. I bit my lip, and suddenly a pair of lips crashed onto mine. We stayed like that for a while, until Uma cleared her throat and said, " Alright, alright. That's enough Harry, you've proven your point."
"Actually, I don't think I have." 'Oh no,' I thought. "Hey!" He yelled, catching everyone's attention. "If you see anyone lay a hand on Y/n, you tell me immediately. Understood?" Everyone nodded their heads and there was a quiet murmur of "yes" before the went back to work.

"I should go, it's getting late, and I don't want to walk home in the dark." I said.
"Do you-" Harry started
"Nope, I can go alone." I interrupted, knowing what he was going to ask.

~Timeskip to the next day~

3rd Person POV
Y/n woke up early, got dressed, grabbed an apple (the one that was the least rotten), and started her walk to the ship. The streets weren't crowded, but they weren't empty. She decide to go on the rooftops because it would be easier, so she slipped into an alleyway, but she was lost in thought and didn't notice that there were three guys in the alley.
Y/n didn't realize where she was until she heard a wolf-whistle. She turned to look at whoever it was and saw two of Harry's biggest enemies: Andrew Gothel and Rolf (of the southern isles). The two had lost a fight against Harry (even though it was two against one) and were mad about it.
"What do you want?" Y/n asked, annoyed.
"You." One of them said. Y/n couldn't tell who it was, because as it was said someone covered her eyes and mouth. She tried to scream, but to no effect.

Y/n's POV
Great. This is great. These two idiots covered my eyes and mouth with something. They are trying to move me, so I just go, not wanting to get hurt. I try to track where we are, but I can't. When we get there, I'm tied to a chair. I hear them leave. I am praying to Hades that either Harry, or one of the crew members saw what was happening and are coming to help.

3rd Person POV
Unbeknownst to Y/n, that is exactly what happened. Gil had heard some commotion in the alley that they were in, and saw that it was Y/n right before they put a blindfold over her eyes. He had decided to follow them, not knowing where they would be. When they had reached their destination, he hid so that they didn't see them when they came out. When they left, he ran to find Harry, who was on the ship with Uma.
"Y/n...Rolf...Andrew...trouble..." Was all he could say, but it was enough for Harry to understand.
"Where?" He demanded.
Gil just ran, not knowing how to explain it. Harry followed him, and Uma after Harry.

When they got there, no one was there, except Y/n. Harry ran towards her, using his hook to break the ropes on the chair, while Uma untied the blindfold. When she was free, she immediately went to Harry, who wrapped his arms around her.

The reunion, however was cut short when four people burst through the door.
Harry charged at Rolf, while Andrew slipped away towards Y/n. The two other people had Uma and Gil occupied. Y/n, who hadn't noticed Andrew, felt someone pull her hair. She looked around the room to see who was missing, and quickly figured out her attacker. Andrew then held a knife to her throat.
"STOP!" He yelled, getting everyone's attention. Everyone stopped and looked at Andrew and Y/n.
Harry tried to lung at Y/n, but Andrew pressed the knife harder into her neck. She whimpered and a single tear rolled down her cheek. "If you leave now, no harm will come to her."

Harry visibly shaking with anger as Uma pushed him out of the room, Gil following closely behind.

The four others tied Y/n back up and stayed in the strange room for about thirty minutes.

Harry's POV
Once we left the building, Uma said, "Follow me," and started running. Of course, we did and she led us to Y/n's house, well, castle thing. She knocked on the door and Hades opened it, "What do you want?" He asked, clearly annoyed. "Y/n is in trouble, sir." I said. Immediately, the blue fire on his got at least five times bigger. "Where?" Gil led him while Uma and I walked behind them. "I knew this would work, he's one of the only villians who actually cares about his family." She whispered.

3rd Person POV
When they reached their destination, Hades burst through the doors, causing Y/n's captors to jump up, Andrew pulling his knife back out. Upon seeing Hades, who never leaves his castle, he quickly hid the knife behind his back.
"Mr. Hades, sir, w-what brings you here?"
"Unhand my daughter."
"Y-your daughter? I didn't know darling Y/n here was your d-daughter." Andrew laughed nervously, walking towards Y/n and began untying her. Harry, glaring at him the whole time. "Cut the shit, Gothel, you knew damn well that she is his daughter." Harry said, still glaring. This caused Andrew to glare. He finished untying Y/n, and she immediately ran to her dad, hugging him.
"If you touch my daughter again, I will not hesitate to kill you. Understood?" Hades said. Andrew gulped and nodded.
The five left the building, Y/n and her father ahead of the other three so that they couldn't hear the conversation.
"Dad?" Y/n said, nervous.
"You know how Harry tried to save me even before you were there?"
"Yes, it was very brave of him and I'm very grateful to him for trying to save you, even if it didn't quite work out."
"So do you think it would be okay if I dated him?"
"I suppose that would be fine," he sighed.
That was all she needed. Y/n ran to Harry and hugged him, almost knocking him over in the process.
"Y/n, what are you doing? Your dad-"
"Said that it's okay."
Harry froze at her words, looking at Hades, who nodded.

I hope you liked it, I didn't really know how to end it. If you have any requests please feel free to dm me.

Have a great day!

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