My Hero|George Weasley

215 6 3

Requested: No
Warnings:  Swearing, Possible Trigger Warning, but not really
House: Gryffindor

Y/n's POV

My name is Y/n Diggory. Sound familiar? I had a twin named Cedric. He joined the Triwizard Tournament last year (even though I- on multiple occasions- told him not to) and, well, he didn't make it. The thing I hate most about it is the looks people give me. For example: they'll be laughing about something with their friends and as soon as they see me, they give me this look and go silent. I'm so thankful for the Weasley twins though, I used to be their biggest target for pranks, and, although they may not be as extravagant, I love that they are still real friends and that they still prank me (don't tell them I said that though).

We have a new DADA teacher too, she doesn't teach much though. She's absolutely horrid. She says that Voldemort's not back, that Harry's lying, and that Cedric's death was an accident.

It all started a few weeks ago, on the train. I found the compartment Fred and George were in and they were so deep in conversation that they didn't hear me come in.

"Finally got those haircuts I see?" They both jumped.

"Bloody hell, Y/n, nearly gave me a heart attack!" George yelled. Fred nodded.

"What were you talking about anyways?"

"Our plans for the joke shop we'll open up after this year." Fred said. "We already found a place."

At that moment, the trolley lady came by, so we stocked up. Once we sat back down, it was quiet for a while.

"Who d'ya reckon'll be the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Dunno" they said in sync.

"Whoever it is, I hope they're like Lupin." I said, taking a bite of a chocolate frog. The twins nodded. Suddenly, Lee burst through the compartment door and slammed it shut.

"We need to hide." He said, looking at the twins. He turned to me, "act natural."

The trio squeezed under the seats while I grabbed a book, opened it to a random page and pretended to read. Seconds later, Draco Malfoy burst through the compartment door.

"Have you seen the Weasels and Jordan?" He panted, out of breath- seemingly from running.

"Which Weasleys? There are seven of them you know." I said. "Nine counting-"

"The only ones who hang out with Jordan! The twins!" He interrupted me, his voice getting louder.

Suddenly, I noticed the smell of dungbombs. For the first time since he came in I looked up from the book I was 'reading'. He was covered in mud.

"You smell horrid, did you know that?"


That was unnecessary. I started to cry, well, fake cry (I'm quite good at it by the way.)

"N-no," I sniffed, "I haven't seen any of them since the funeral." He paled. Everyone knew that making me cry was low, even for him.

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

I waited for a few minutes, just to be safe, before I stopped "crying," and started laughing. That's when the guys came back out.

"Damn, Diggory, you're good." Lee said, also laughing.

We spent the next few hours joking around, talking about our summers, and discussing new prank ideas.

A while later, Hermione Granger came into our compartment. "I'd recommend changing soon, I think we'll be arriving shortly." She said, motioning to the dark night sky out the window. Something on her robes caught my eye. 

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