Yearbook Memories | Newt

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Requested by: someone but I honestly have no idea. If it was you lmk
Warnings: none
Special Details: modern au, y'all are married, you're 22-23 ish, he doesn't die, D/n means daughter's name

This is short, but cute


After putting D/n down for a nap, Y/n decided to go up to the attic and sort through some boxes. Newt had been complaining that he hadn't seen his favorite sweater in a long time, and Y/n had a theory that it had never been unpacked after they had moved.

She grabbed her phone and a baby monitor and headed up the stairs.

As soon as she walked in, she noticed a large wardrobe that had been left by the previous owners. She went over and opened the wardrobe, revealing a vast amount of dresses looking to be from the fifties. She made a mental note to look more closely at them later to see what sort of condition they were in.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. It was a text from Newt.

Just got home. Where are you?

She quickly typed a response and got back to work. She sat down on the floor and opened a box.

Inside were clothes for D/n to grow into. I'll keep these in mind, Y/n  thought to herself.

She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Newt climbing up the attic stairs.

"Hi," she smiled.

"Hey," he smiled back.

He sat down next to her and grabbed a box. He lifted the lid and gasped.

"What is it?" She looked into the box.

"It's all of our old yearbooks!" He exclaimed, pulling one out.

He opened it up and began to flip through it.

"Do you remember that time in sophomore year when we got free Chick-fil-A because we dresses up as cows on cow-appretiation day?" His eyes lit up as he saw the picture.

"And we all walked around the mall mooing at people" Y/n laughed at the memory.

Y/n grabbed another yearbook, that of their junior year.

"Aww, there's a picture of all of us decked out in face paint at one of Thomas and Minho's track races." She pointed out. This triggered a memory.

"Do you remember when we went on a picnic the next day and it started pouring rain and we just danced and danced." She smiled softly at the fond memory.

"And the dirt turned into mud and we slipped and fell," Newt laughed.

The two flipped through the books a little while longer, sharing their memories.


Sorry this took so long!

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