Dating Him Includes | Draco Malfoy

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still all lowercase. deal with it

he usually just calls you by your first name

so you usually just call him draco

but you two joke around and pretend to be all fancy and stuff

so when you do that, he calls you miss l/n and you call him mr. malfoy

his mom loves you and his dad doesn’t really care as long as you're a pureblood slytherin (which you are)

at first you're sad bc you wanted his dad to like you but he cheers you up and then you’re like whatever

speaking of his narcissa, she took you shopping the first time you met her

so you put on a fashion show type thing for draco when you got home and it was fun and yeah

usually kisses you on the lips, but when you’re in public he kisses you on the cheek or just on the corner of your lips

almost always has an arm around your waist

y'all rant together and give each other advice

you have a little game to try to make snape smile

one time you succeeded when you muttered some sly comment about harry just as snape was walking by and draco swore he saw a small flash of a smile

you try to stop his arguments with harry, but sometimes he can't help himself

"you just had to taunt him didn't you" "yep"

whenever you get into an argument it takes you a while to make up bc you're both stubborn as heck

whenever you get into a bad argument though, you'll either find him crying or he'll come up to you crying

whenever you see him cry your heart breaks a little (if you're human, you know this is true)

everything is immediately forgiven

but anyway, let's talk about pansy parkinson

at first, you're a little intimidated by her bc shyness and such

but eventually you and draco just laugh about all the "threats" she makes

one time she tried to be your friend and you were like "you've threatened my life at least once a week since i started dating draco. i think the frick not."

so anyway, that's that

in the end draco's amazing and protects you no matter what

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