Keeping Secrets|Spot Conlon

201 4 6

Requested: by TesserPhantom
Warnings: none
Special Details: Y/n is Jack Kelly's sister and the only female Manhattan newsie. Only a few Brooklyn newsies know of Spot and Y/n's relationship.
A/n: the newsies' accents aren't written in, you'll just have to imagine them, if that makes any sense.

A/n: the newsies' accents aren't written in, you'll just have to imagine them, if that makes any sense

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Y/n's POV
"I've never been to Brooklyn, have you?" Davey said, looking at me. I didn't want to answer truthfully, so I didn't know what to say. Thankfully Boots said something thinking Davey had asked everyone, "I spent a month there one night." We all laughed.

Soon enough we came to the Brooklyn Bridge. Jack, Boots, and I yelled over the edge, confusing Davey even more.
"So is this 'Spot Conlon' guy really dangerous or something?" I snorted, covering my mouth quickly. Thankfully, Jack and Boots laughed as well. The Spot I know is only dangerous if someone he cares about is in danger, but no one knows that.

Not long after, we came to the dock where the Brooklyn Newsies hang out. One newsie tried to threaten Jack, but Jack pushed him into the bay. The closer we walked towards Spot's "throne," the more nervous I got. I haven't seen Spot while with Jack since we started seeing each other privately. I have to act like I hate him. I don't know if I can do that now. And he's not expecting me so what if we catch him off guard and he breaks character. I could ruin this and Jack would figure everything out.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I guess I didn't realize we had arrived. That is, until I was snapped out of my thoughts by an unmistakable voice, "Well if it ain't Jack be nimble, Jack be quick." Spot said, probably ignoring me on purpose, so I did the same. I sat down on a crate and zoned out, thinking of the many things that could go wrong and the many ways Jack could find out.

After what seemed like only a few seconds, Jack nudged me because it was time to go.

As we left, I looked back to see Spot staring at me, I smiled and his face mirrored mine.

Once we were out of Brooklyn, I realized I didn't listen to Spot's response to the strike.

"Jackie what'd he say?" I asked Jack.
"You were there did ya zone out or somethin'?" Jack looked at me, confused.
"Guess so, I sat down and before I knew it we were leavin'."
"Oh well he says he thinks we ain't serious 'bout this whole thing."
"What're we gonna do then?"
"We'll show'em he's wrong."

Pretty soon we got home and saw a few newsies standing around the Horace Greeley statue.

"What'd they say guys?" I asked, hoping for better news than we got.
"They, uh, they said they's waitin' to see what Conlon's gonna do." Skittery answered.
"So, what is he gonna do?" Asked Race.
"He doesn't think we're serious." Jack replied.

Groans were heard all around us.
"I think we oughta forget about this for a while." Skittery said.
"Yeah, I mean, without Brooklyn, what're we s'posed to do?" Race asked.
"Really, is that what you think?" I asked, the two nodded their heads, "Who're we kiddn', I hate to admit this but Spot had a point you guys, ya gotta stand tall when things get rough. I'm going for a walk."

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