Jailbreak pt 2 | Gally

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A/n Hey Guys! Sorry I have been so inactive recently, I started school and I've been pretty busy with that so yeah. I wouldn't expect super quick updates, but I'm trying my best 🙂

Requested: by RinAnimeLover
Warnings: none other than the fact that the end is pretty cheesy
Special Details: none really, it's kind of all over the place


The morning after their game of jailbreak, Y/n awoke and got ready for the day. She headed to breakfast.

"Hey Fry," she said as Frypan put some pancakes on her plate.

"Hi Y/n. Sleep well?" He smiled.

"As well as I could, considering I was surrounded by snoring boys." She said, her smile faltering the tiniest bit.

Frypan gave her a smile of pity and she turned, scanning the room for an empty seat.

She noticed a seat across from Gally which was empty and walked over.

"This seat taken?" She smiled.

"Nope." He said, his mouth full of food.

Y/n rolled her eyes at his manners and sat down. He finished his mouthful of food quickly, before beginning to speak.

"You're stuck with me today." Gally said with a cheeky smile.

It was true, because she was so new, she had been going between different jobs to decide which one she would do.

"Ugh, I know, I don't know how I'll get through the day." She said, feigning annoyance.

"What? I thought you would be excited to be with me. Well, maybe not excited, but at least not-"

"Gally! Calm down, I'm only joking."


"It was a joke. I am excited to be with you today."


The two began chatting about random things. Their favorite color, favorite joke, etc. They quickly finished their food, both having been hungry.

"I can take that over for you." Gally said, pointing to her plate. He stood up and picked up his own.

"No, it's alright, I'll go with you." She said, standing up. The truth was, she was sitting next to someone who had given her weird glances throughout the whole meal. She didn't want to be left alone with him.

"You sure?" Gally asked.

"Mhmm" she said, with one more look at the boy who had been beside her. Gally seemed to understand what was happening because he dropped the subject.

The two handed their plates to the dish washers, and Gally grabbed Y/n's hand, pulling her out the door.

"Where are we going" Y/n laughed, "isn't the workshop over there?" (Idk what the work place is called and I'm too lazy to Google it rn)

"It is, but I have a surprise for you first." He pulled her around to the back of the Homestead and stopped at a door.

"Isn't this just a storage closet?" Y/n asked, confused.

"It was." Gally said.

"Was? What do you mean was?"

"Okay. So you're the only girl here-"

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

"Just let me finish. You're the only girl here, but you're stuck sleeping with the guys."

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