Overboard | Edmund Pevensie

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Would any of you be interested in me adding Once Upon a Time to this? If so, what characters? I would probably add Henry Mills and Peter Pan, but if you want any other characters, let me know.

Requested: Hopemarie1141 (nothing specific. Just Edmund)
Warnings: Trigger Warning

3rd person POV
Edmund and Lucy Pevensie arrived on the Dawn Treader yesterday, since then, they have had a nice time catching up with all of their old friends. This time, their cousin, Eustace Scrubb came with them, but he hasn't really done anything except talk to himself and write in a small journal of his.

Anyways, it was a nice day, so Edmund was looking out into the seemingly never ending sea. Then a ship came into view, so he called Caspian over.

"Caspian, come here!"

Caspian ran over and stood next to him.

"Do we need to be worried about them?" Edmund asked, pointing to the ship. Caspian pulled out a spyglass and looked through it, trying to get a better look at the flag of the ship in order to determine whether or not it was an enemy ship.

"I don't recognize the flag, do you?" Caspian asked the younger king. He handed Edmund his spyglass. Edmund looked through it.

"It looks like an ancient Narnian flag. We should get closer to see if we recognize them."
"Alright." Caspian replied. He then called over the captain of the ship, Drinian. "We need to get closer to that ship. It has a Narnian flag, and they might need help."
"Aye, aye."

The whole time, Edmund kept his eyes on the ship. He had good reason to, because on the other ship, unbeknownst to him, this was happening:

The captain's favorite niece was on board the Port Morant for a few weeks and the crew absolutely hated her, but for no good reason. For the first week or two, they has just hid behind the captain's back when teasing or making fun of her, but now the captain was sick, so he was in bed and would have no idea what was going on on the deck. The crew finally had what they wanted. Y/n, the captain's niece, had made the poor decision to go onto the deck, and not to stay in her room, and now they were punching her, slapping her, kicking her, some had even pulled out their knives and were cutting small lines all over her, until one man yelled, "Let's throw her overboard!" There were many shouts of replies, and Y/n was lifted up and carried to the edge of the ship. They didn't even bother pulling out the plank, they just dropped her in.

By this time, the Dawn Treader was close enough to see this part, and Edmund, who was still standing next to Caspian, dove into the water immediately. He swam over to Y/n, who couldn't swim, and grabbed her by the waist. He then swam back to the surface and over to the elevator-type-thing that they had dropped down for the two. Y/n was passed out, so Edmund pretty much had to carry her until they reached the deck of the ship.

Then, she was rushed to the room in which Lucy was staying where Edmund sat, waiting for the mysterious girl to awake.

Finally, after about ten minutes, she woke up, panting and coughing up water. Edmund stood up and walked over to her. She backed away, bit knowing who he was.

"W-who are you? Where a-am I?" She asked, looking around the room.
"My name is Edmund, you are on the Dawn Treader." Edmund replied, calmly. She tried to sit up, but stopped, feeling a sharp pain in her stomach. She grabbed onto her stomach and grimaced. Just then a girl came into the room. "Ed, Caspian wants to talk to you." She said.

Edmund, who was trying to help Y/n sit up simply said, "He can wait." The young girl only then noticed Y/n and rushed over and pulled a small vial out of her pocket. "You go talk to Caspian. I'll help her." She said. Edmund, who saw no point in arguing, walked out of the room in search of Caspian. Just then, a lightbulb went off in Y/n's head. "Caspian? As in King Caspian X?" She asked bewildered. Lucy nodded. "That must mean you're... That's King Edmund the Just, and you're..." Y/n trailed off again. "Yes, I'm Lucy the Valiant, but you really can just call me Lucy. Anyways, if you want all of your cuts and bruises to heal, then you'll need to take one drop of this." She said, holding up the vial. Y/n did as she said, and within seconds she felt perfect. "Do you have anything else I could wear? This is a little stained," she said, motioning to the bloodstained dress she was wearing. "I do, but it'll be pants if that's alright?" Y/n nodded her head, and Lucy walked over to the closet and looked through it. She pulled out a black silk shirt, dark red pants, and a belt. Lucy walked out of the room so that Y/n could change. After she had changed, Y/n walked out of the room. Her hair was pulled into a braid, and she was wearing black boots that she had been wearing already.

"Perfect timing!" Lucy said with her usual smile, "we're about to have dinner. "
"Good, I'm starving!"

As they walked, they continued to talk, as most young girls would do, being the only two girls on board, to each other.

"I just realized I don't know your name." Lucy said.
"My name is Y/n L/n. Where are you from. I heard you aren't from Narnia. Is that true?"
"Yes! I'm from a different world called Earth. And like Narnia has different places within, well, Narnia, Earth has a place called England, which is where I'm from."

They arrived to the dinner room, and as they walked through the doors, the room went silent. Lucy saw Edmund staring at Y/n, but didn't say anything. Caspian was seated at the end of the table, Edmund on his left, and an empty seat on his right, in which Lucy sat. On Edmund's left, there was another empty seat, in which Y/n sat. Caspian and Edmund finished their conversation as Y/n and Lucy put food onto their plates. When they finished the conversation, Caspian said, "So, what's your name?" This question was directed towards Y/n, who immediately freaked out at the fact that King Caspian X was talking to her.

"I-um, my name is Y/n L/n."
"What ship were you on? It looked like it had an ancient Narnian flag."
"I was on the Port Morant. My uncle is the captain, and he was in bed with a fever, so the crew thought it a good idea to, well, to throw me overboard."
"Why? What gave them the idea to do so?" This time, the question came from Edmund.
"I don't know. They didn't seem to really like me ever since I stepped foot on the ship."
"That still gives them no reason to do what they did!" This came from Lucy. Caspian and Edmund nodded in agreement.
"Where we're you headed, anyways?" Caspian asked.
"Nowhere, my uncle just wanted to take me on his ship for my birthday, but I wouldn't really call being thrown overboard a birthday present. Anyways, who was it who saved me?"
Everyone looked at Edmund, who blushed. "I did." He said, but it came out as a near whisper. "Well thank you."
"No problem. I couldn't let a beautiful girl drown." No one, including Edmund, knew where that sudden burst if courage came from, but it was gone as soon as it had appeared, and the two blushed a red that challenged the mane of Aslan himself.

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