the maurauders | headcanon

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This will have lots of subcategories. All of the categories are bolded

being the fifth marauder would include...

-basically being their little sister

-super protective of you

-but still joke around with you

-you and remus are the king and queen of sass/sarcasm

-but no one knows it because you both say the comebacks so that only the marauders can hear them

-james rants to you about lily

-you give him advice

-you and remus are study-buddies

-whenever sirius is forced (by his parents) to go to some event, you are his plus one

-mainly because you're a muggleborn and he does whatever he can to spite his parents

-jamming to bad reputation by joan jett & the blackhearts in their dorm

-having pick-up line competitions with sirius

-any time any of the boys grow out of a shirt, they'll give it to you

-then you'll either wear it as is

-or you'll turn it into a crop-top

when you're crying over a boy

-remus takes you to the room of requirement and then becomes your human-sized teddy bear

-while the others go off to prank the boy

-they come back with lots of ice cream

-and they all go around explaining why he doesn't deserve you

-you end up having a girls' night

-you paint their nails

-you bake cookies

-you watch a rom-com

-you do face masks

that time of the month (for you)

-they're absolutely  t e r r i f i e d  of you

-don't really know what to do

-for the most part they just stay away from you

-remus gives you a quarter of his chocolate stash (which is quite a bit)

-james gives you a sweatshirt

-peter gets you brownies from the kitchen

-sirius turns into a dog and cuddles into you

that time of the month (for remus)

-they're all super against the idea of you helping

-but you're stubborn and help anyway

-you don't help in the same way as the guys though

-you help madame pomfrey when they come back all beat up and tired

-the next day, you give remus a quarter of your chocolate stash (also quite a bit)


-every christmas break, the group spends a weekend at the potters' house

-james' parents love you

-they think you're the best

-you have a girl talk with mrs. potter

-while all the guys (mr. potter included) take turns trying to figure out what you're talking about

-sirius comes in with his hair braided speaking in a high-pitched voice

-they never figure it out

- p r e s e n t s  (fifth year)

-you give them all a bunch of muggle stuff that reminds you of each of them

-for example: sirius gets a record player, remus gets some muggle books, etc

-sirius gets you dog, deer, wolf, and mouse stuffed animals "because you go on and on about how much you always miss us" (false)

-remus gives you a journal in which he has started writing many quotes (said by the marauders) with no context, and you continue it

-james made you a mixtape of all of the songs you jam to

-peter gets you a big self-care bin

when james and lily start dating

-you and lily become really good friends

-but that doesn't mean you spend less time with the guys

-when they go on dates, the rest of you sneak around hogsmeade and spy on them

-"sirius, mate, what are you doing in a bush" -james

-when lily gets upset you always know why and james asks you as soon as he sees something's wrong

-sometimes he's really oblivious tho

-like sometimes sirius knows why she's upset before james does (not trying to call sirius dumb btw)

-it becomes a running joke that you shout "ew" whenever they kiss

-you continue said tradition at their wedding

-you're lily's maid of honor

A/n if you want me to continue this or do it with anyone else, let me know

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