Extra Credit | Remus Lupin

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Requested: possibly? If you requested this lmk

Warnings: none

Special Details: you're a fifth year; Marauder's Era


The fifth years were taking a potions test. As Remus finished his, he recalled Professor Slughorn's note of some extra credit he had earned.

Feeling as though he didn't need the extra credit, Remus looked around the room. A certain H/n girl caught his eye.

She looked especially stressed. He could almost see years in her eyes as she tried to recall the answer to the questions displayed on her paper.

He wrote a quick note on the back of his test.

I have some extra credit, and I was hoping I could anonymously give it to Y/n L/n instead? She needs it more than I do.

He walked over to Slughorn's desk, out his test face-down (to make sure the professor would notice the note), grabbed his bag and went to the library.


Y/n L/n sat down nervously, chewing at her nails. They were getting their tests back today. She figured she had failed, she just didn't know how bad it was.

Y/n quickly noticed that Slughorn had an unusual twinkle in his eyes.

She raised an eyebrow at her professor before beginning to unpack her schoolbag.

As students began filing into the classroom, Slughorn handed back their tests.

Y/n waited anxiously as he handed back the tests of her classmates. She waited anxiously as she saw both the grins and grimaces of those who had received their tests.

Y/n watched as the professor handed Remus Lupin his test. Remus gave the teacher a look, it almost looked like a question. She saw the professor give a small nod and walk away.

Finally, he made his way to her desk. He handed her the tests. She looked down at it with a worried glance.

She saw 67/100 written on her paper. She then noticed a +5 written underneath the grade.

She let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't a great grade, but it wasn't failing. She was confused, however, about how she had received the extra five points. She hadn't done any extra work or earned it in any way.


After class, Y/n approached Slughorn's desk.

"Can I help you, Miss L/n?" He asked, looking up at her with a smile.

"Erm, yes. Professor, I don't think I earned the grade I received on the test. I didn't have any extra credit."

"Didn't you?" The professor winked.

She heard a soft chuckle from somewhere behind her but didn't bother looking.

"But professor-"

"Miss L/n, are you suggesting that I am not a fair teacher?"

"No professor, not at all, but I-"

"Miss L/n, don't you have another class to get to?"

Realizing that she would not receive an answer from her professor, Y/n sighed and turned to leave. She noticed Remus Lupin, the only other student still in the classroom, looking at her. As she glanced at him, he quickly shifted his gaze.

Interesting, she thought.


Y/n L/n was sitting in the library, reading a book she had found, when she couldn't help but hear a conversation happening near her.

"Did you hear that Lupin gave his extra credit to L/n? I think he likes her."


Y/n closed her book and ran through the halls, looking for Remus.

She turned a corner and ran into someone.

"Woah, L/n, you looking for someone?"

She looked up to see none other than Remus Lupin.

"Er- yes," she said.

"Well who is it? Maybe I can help you find them." He smiled down at her.

"You, actually."

"Me?" He asked and she nodded, "well how can I help?"

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That it was you?"

"Y/n, you're going to have to be a lot more specific, I have no idea-"

"That you were the one who gave me extra credit!"

"Oh that..." He looked down, blushing.

"So it was you!" She gasped.

Without thinking, she pulled him into a hug. He hugged back. After she had realized what she did she let go, stepping away awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, that- I should've made sure you were comfortable with that. I'm sorry..." She trailed off, muttering apology after apology.

"Hey," he cut her off, "it's alright. I didn't mind it."

"You didn't?" She asked. He shook his head in response.

There was a rather awkward silence after that.

"It's just... If I failed another potions test, my parents were going to pull me out of Hogwarts and ship me off to Ilvermorny. That test kind of snuck up on me. I pulled an all nighter studying for it. I don't know why potions is so difficult for me..." She trailed off and looked up at Remus.

"I have a proposal," he finally said.

"Oh?" She responded.

"You need help with potions, right?"


"And I've missed a bunch of Transfiguration classes and when I'm there my friends don't shut up so I don't really know what's going on in that class."


"Well you seem really good at Transfiguration and I'm decent at potions, so maybe we could help each other?"

"Wait really? Oh that would be awesome Remus, thank you so much!"

"It's no problem."


A few months later, Y/n and Remus were sitting in the library reading over each other's essays on transfiguration and potions.

Y/n finished reading Remus's and, after writing a few comments/correstions, slid it over to him. Seeing that he was deep in thought, she picked up a book out of her bag, and opened it up. As she was reading, she heard the sound of a paper being slid over to her. She closed the book and began to look over the essay at the corrections and comments she had received.

As she flipped to the back of the page to make sure nothing was written there, she was surprised to see a note (with words scribbled over throughout it.)

I've liked you for a while and I was wondering if you would go out with me?

She gasped and looked up at Remus, who blushed and scratched the back of his neck.

"I mean it's completely understandable if you don't I was just-"

She cut him short with a kiss on the cheek.

"I'd love to."

"Wait, really?"

"Of course!"


Kind of cringy ending but whatever

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