Snores | Remus Lupin

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Requested: no
Warnings: mentions of toxic relationships
Special Details: takes place in the Marauders era

Y/n had been in a semi-toxic relationship before she met Remus, leaving her self conscious about many things, especially her snores. Before that relationship, she hadn't even known she snored, but it was brought to her attention pretty quickly.

"Y/n, you're obviously exhausted, just go to sleep." Remus encouraged her.

The two were sitting in the Griffindor common room and Y/n was nuzzled into Remus's side, trying her best not to fall asleep.

"No." She mumbled, yawning.

"Why not?" He asked, confused as to why she always refused to fall asleep in front of him.

"Because I snore." Y/n explained.


"Well my last boyfriend told me that it was really annoying and wouldn't let me fall asleep in front of him and I don't want to bother you." She rambled, only stopping when Remus cut her off with a kiss.

"You're not going to bother me. Just go to sleep." Remus assured her.

"Are you," she started, but cut herself off with a yawn, "are you sure?" She asked.

"Positive." He said.

Y/n shifted so that it would be more comfortable to sleep. She was on her side, her head on Remus's lap. Remus vegan to play with her hair and she fell asleep almost immediately.

Remus smiled as he heard the most adorable snores leave her mouth.

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