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Official Report

British Intelligence

Code: 3986                 

Kathleen Winfred

June 19, 1944: five days

Freidrich gave me a letter from Jessica. When I had not appeared yesterday, he had somehow been able to sequester her in a side room for a while and give her the opportunity to write a parting note to me.

I was very grateful, and I immediately set to reading it.


I am, as you already know, to be sent to Ravensbruck. How I wish it were not so, but I suppose there is no other alternative. We are all to be sent away eventually; there is no avoiding it.

I only wish we would have had an opportunity to say goodbye in person.

I will miss you. You were my first true friend here at the prison; you were kind to me even when no one else would be, due to my unfortunate lice incident.

I still remember our first night talking to one another.

I don’t have much time to write, but I wanted to ask you a favor. If I don’t make it out of Ravensbruck, please find my family in London and tell them about what happened to me. Tell them of the happy things I experienced in prison, along with the bad ones. Tell them about Matthew. Their names are James and Elisabeth Parker.

Also, if I do not survive, or ever make it back home, and Matthew does live…Please tell him I loved him. Please tell him I’m sorry.

And if I do live…look me up. We should have tea together sometime. Maybe we’ll both see the end of the war.

Love, Jessica Parker, your friend

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