July Chapter 6

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I was nervous

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I was nervous.

This was an understatement. I had changed my hair three times before settling on pulling back only the front of my hair and leaving the rest hanging. I had woken up early to do my make up, I had forgotten to eat because I was so nervous so, now, I was running on coffee alone.

Guarding wasn't so hard. The patrons, while very snotty, were extremely well behaved. I've been assured that if they ever have a problem with one of my decisions their attitude will change and they will make their displeasure known very quickly and loudly. But for the first portion of guarding I don't have to work about that.

I haven't seen Bryce once. According to the staff he spends all his time in his Father's office. I was sure a Head Guard had to be on call, which meant in the staff office, like Jay always was. But Polished Elite has an intercom system so that's how he got away with not being nearby to the pool.

I had always been the Earth and Body's intercom.

By lunch I hear that I'm replacing Charlie Leo. Daphne and Milo ascertain that she's off with another one of her Spa lovers and they don't know if or when she'll be back. But Kaitlyn tells me that Charlie is telling everyone she got fired to make room for me. I don't know which is true and want to ask Bryce but I'm afraid of the answer.

If it's true, why the hell did they fire one of their own for me? Why did they want me that bad? I've got a sinking feeling in my stomach that I'm trying very hard to ignore. I chalk it up to missing my home, and my friends and my pool. I remind myself that Jay didn't want me there. That the others will be fine. I mean they already have someone to replace me, so there isn't anything for me to worry about. But I worry none-the-less.

I don't see Bryce all through lunch and after lunch, in my first course, I'm told by the participants that they don't like me as much as they liked Charlie. That I'm too soft spoken and I make them work too hard. Apparently, all Charlie used to do during this Water Fitness class, was tell them about her extensive beauty routines as they jogged on the spot. I try to explain that I want to work them, to give them the work out they paid for and they don't have to keep up with my pace, they can set their own, but that does not please them. They don't like my music, or my exercises and after the class all of them go to complain and request their money back.

No one has ever complained about my classes before. Other then stupid things like, why a child who didn't know how to swim wasn't allowed to learn how to scuba dive, or why there was no room in the class, or why parents had to accompany children out in the lake if they were under five years old. But this is ridiculous. It's as if being too good, and wanting to do my job the best I possibly could, is a bad thing.

When I relay this to Milo all he says is: "Then don't do your job as well," and I'm at a loss. That is a foreign concept to me.

In my next two classes I had the same sort of problems.

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