July Chapter 19

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Yesterday was hell

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Yesterday was hell.

I have never felt more guilty about something in my life.

The look on Rory's face when she realized what I had done had been soul crushing.

She had very kindly agreed to cover for me with Marnie, something I didn't deserve. I just didn't like her choice of lie.

Why, out of everyone, did it have to be Jay Nishiyama as her pretend boyfriend? And why did he have to fucking ham it up like he did? Smirking at me, dancing with her, leaving with her.

God why did it upset me so much that she left with him? Because Marnie was right, I had started to like Rory after all. Like... for real, not just pretend.

Jealousy was rearing its ugly head and it made no sense cause I wasn't supposed to really like her. My only hope was to get Marnie to go home, apologize profusely to Rory, win the Fablehaven rebid and my step-dad's eternal favour and then things could start to go back to normal.

Only one problem with that plan. Rory still hadn't come back.

I had Kaitlyn on stand-by to tell me if she showed up at her place to see Milo or Daphne. I was waiting, listening for any sound, that might indicate that she had come home, but they were well into the late afternoon and she still hadn't come.

To say I was starting to worry was an understatement. I was almost in a damn near panic. So when I heard footsteps leading up to the front door I rushed the door to get to Rory before Marnie figured out that the girl was back.

But what happened was I whipped that door open and interrupted Jay as he was about to knock.

The motion startled both of us.

I wasn't expecting him, and he wasn't expecting the door to open that quickly. For a moment we just stared each other down, both of us glaring at one another, neither wanting to concede first.

But Jay broke first with a heavy sigh and said: "Can I talk to Rory please?'

I find myself blinking my eyes. I was angry to begin with but now that worry is returning to me. "She's uh... she's not with you?"

Because honestly, that's where I assumed she was. She left with him, she hadn't come back here, so I assumed she was still with him.

It would make sense because why the hell would she really want to come back here? Now that she knew that I lied to her, and Marnie had it out for her, she was going to avoid this place as long as she could. Which is what she does. She avoid conflict unless it's necessary for the job.

But Jay just looks confused. "I... no... is she not here?"

Oh... oh not good. I quickly slip out of the house and shut the door behind me. Just so Marnie can't hear what, I know, is going to be an argument.

"Well obviously not if I thought she was with you!" I hiss to him and his glare solidifies on his face.

"You're telling me that she didn't come here? She ran off hours ago, even if she were walking she would have got here by now!" he snaps back.

But this isn't my fault. It's his.

"Why the hell did she run from you? What did you do?"

"Nothing!" Jay cries. I try to shush him but he doesn't listen. "We were having breakfast and she just fucking bolted. Alright? I figured I'd give her some time to cool off and then go after her. You're telling me she's really not here? You didn't let Marnie go after her yesterday, did you?"

He shoots that last question at me with an acidic whisper. Great so not only did she have Jay act as her pretend boyfriend, but she had told him why she needed him to do so. Just great. This was not information I needed Nishiyama knowing.

I shake my head in answer to his question but I can tell that he's judging me.

"She fucking surprised me okay, I didn't know she was coming home," I hiss before he can say anything though.

"Didn't give you enough time to cover up your lies huh?" he taunts and I growl because it's true so I can't really argue, but it does piss me off. Jay just scoffs at me and then takes a step back. "Look, when she comes back, as I no doubt figure she will, can you have her text me. She doesn't need to talk to me, just so I know she's alright."

He actually sounds worried and that surprises me because I didn't think the guy had it in him to care. But Rory was kind of special that way she made you care even when you didn't want to.

"Alright, and if you find her can you have her text me?" I find myself asking softly. "She doesn't have to talk to me either... just wanna know."

Jay nods and for the first time I didn't doubt that he wouldn't do it. If he found Rory first, he'd have her contact me.

In fact, for the rest of the day Jay and I exchanged texts. Most likely having gotten my cell number from the front desk or one of the emergency contact lists. Every hour or so we'd send each other the same text. Found Rory yet?

And we hadn't.

By eight that night, upon realizing that Rory had not come back to Polished Elite nor had she turned up at Earth and Body, I called Jay and together we went about driving the roads looking for her.

We went to the only hotel in town, the bookstore, Fablehaven, and anywhere or everywhere else we thought Rory would go to see if she was there, but she wasn't.

She wasn't anywhere.

By ten that night I was in a full out panic and I went to go to the local sheriff to report her missing.

Normally they're supposed to wait 72 hours to report an adult missing but out in bear and mountain lion territory it was a little bit different. Especially when the girl who was missing was essentially a city girl in sparkly sequined black dress. And that girl just happens to be the same girl who bakes enough baked goods for the town at the end of every month.

And it was very nice that Jay had met me there at the station. I don't mean just that he thought to be there to support me, but because he was able to answer all the questions about Rory I didn't know the answer to.

Which was... well... a lot.

With the report filed and the cops already moving to set up a search for her, we went our separate ways.

Both of us were clearly worried about Rory.

Both of us secretly terrified that we were the reason that she hadn't come back.

Both of us knowing that if something happened to her because of us... well... I know I wouldn't forgive myself and I had a feeling Jay wouldn't forgive himself either.

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