August Chapter 12

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I'm a fucking coward

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I'm a fucking coward.

I know I'm a coward.

Because Rory told me what she wanted, which was me, and instead of telling her that I want something with her too, I lied and said I didn't.


Why had I done this to myself?

Yes, why had I?

Easy. Because Rory was destined for great things. Her ending up here at Earth and Body had been an accident. She had been derailed from the grand job by the accident that had killed her brother, and her guilt behind it. Derailed temporarily.

She was looking into finishing up whatever loose ends she had left to put her back on track. A job at her Father's company was waiting for her if she wanted it and of course she'd take it.

Starting things with her now would just end in heart ache.

She'd say everything was fine but they'd spend more and more time apart until finally she stopped coming back entirely. By then she'd have found someone who fit into that life better, because he sure as hell didn't fit in there with her old friends and her parents and all that old money they had.

Their house had a name, goddamn it. It probably had it's own postal code too.

But it didn't change that I want her. Because I do. I just... I know that she's not going to stick with me long term and I know I won't survive loosing her. So to save myself I've lied to her. I've probably hurt her. I know for a fact I've hurt myself.

God. Why had I done this again?

All through my swim I thought about this. I thought about how much it hurt to loose Marnie, and how I clearly liked Rory more than I had ever liked Marnie, and I had loved Marnie. I thought about how I hated how sad Rory got when I told her I wasn't interested in dating her, how much it hurt me to lie to her like that.

I thought about what I could say to make it better. Maybe I could tell her the truth. That I liked her, and I was just scared.

But then she'd try to guilt me out of my decision. Then I'd have to open myself up to rejection and pain... well I still didn't want to do that either.

As she promised she returned from her meeting with Lacey with a towel for me. She had dressed down again, which sucked cause her professional outfit had looked great.

You know before she jumped into the pool with it on.

I thanked her for the towel and then she was heading back to the cabin. I swam another hundred lengths before I too got up and out of the pool.

I half dried off, made sure all the paperwork was good to go for the Double Clutch and then I headed back to the cabin, dreading what was going to happen.

I knew Rory was upset with my answers that morning so I figured when he got back that she would have something to say. She had had all of this time to think too.

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