July Chapter 3

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"Seriously? He tried to burn my books?" I cry

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"Seriously? He tried to burn my books?" I cry. "Some of those are library books!"

Candy has been telling me all about how out of control Jay has been since I left. She talks about temper tantrums and how half of my knick-knacks and picture frames got smashed. She talks as if I've broken up with him, left him for Bryce and Polished Elite.

Both of us know that Jay never wanted me like that so I don't know why he's acting this way. I would have thought he'd be happy. I mean that's what I had thought and it had made me so depressed I barely enjoyed the move to freedom and positivity so it felt great to hear he was as miserable as I was.

I couldn't overcome my pride and admit to Candy that I missed Earth and Body because this had been my choice after all. So instead I told her how I thought Polished Elite was great. I could tell that she didn't appreciate that. I got the distinct impression that she was mad at me which was how the conversation went back to Jay and his antics.

"Well are you surprised?" she asks. "You really hurt him!"

"He doesn't like me..."

"Romantically, but you guys were friends were you not?" she shoots back.

Alright, touché, so I haven't really taken him rejecting me well. But my quitting had very little to do with that, more with the fact that he insulted me and assumed I was sleeping with people to win. I thought Candy understood that so she must be angrier than I thought.

"You heard what he said Candy, you were there," I growl to her from across the table. We were debating getting desert before this conversation started, now I feel like we'll probably end up going separate ways. And not even on good terms, which sucks cause I've missed Candy.

I might even have to call Bryce to come and get me and my stuff from the restaurant.

"I remember nothing, the whole night is a drunken blur," she says with a sniff.

"Well that's not my fault."

We're staring at each other now. Candy is glaring and I'm glaring back, I feel like this is all because we don't like how things have rapidly spiralled out of control. After a moment she says: "I don't like how you've changed."

I look down. Yeah, I get that. Ever since I got there, Milo and Daphne had been on a make-over-Rory kick. They forced me shopping in the fancy mall with all the expensive stores, they had put together better outfits, taught me make-up and hair tips and honestly it was a lot of hard work. I liked it better when I could go to work and not do an hour of prep just to look good.

"You look like them and you act like them," Candy snaps. "And it's freaking me out because you're not like them and you shouldn't be trying to be like them."

I avoid Candy's glare, the truth is, deep down I kind of am. But I can't tell her that because she never met that version of Rory.

By the time I came to Earth and Body I was so destroyed that I wasn't even a shadow of that version of me. It even surprised me how quickly I've adapted back to what I used to be like, like the potential to be a snobby bitch was right there under the surface waiting for me to go back to my roots.

I can't find the words to agree with her, so instead I say: "It's not all that bad. Sure, it was hard hearing everything about myself from the way I do my hair to the way I dress was completely wrong and was probably why I was single for so long but you've got to admit I'm looking pretty hot now! And yeah, maybe I'm coming off a bit arrogant or whatever but I really do need a confidence boost. I don't like being a pushover Candy, it never got me anything worthwhile."

Candy seems momentarily stunned. She looks me over as she contemplates what I've said, and while she rolls her eyes, I can see that she's can see the truth in my words.

"Alright, so confidence boosts and looking hot are all great but if you start acting like you're better then all of us I get the right to slap you!" she warns me.

I nod happily and say: "I have never thought I was better than you, and if I ever say that I hope you do slap me!"

We laugh together and that sort of relaxes me. I guess Candy and I are okay now because when the waiter comes back to ask if we want dessert both of us answer yes without even having to make eye contact with one another. 

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