August Chapter 10

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Rory texted me in the morning to tell me she was back

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Rory texted me in the morning to tell me she was back. She then asked if she could talk to me, I figured right away that she wanted to explain herself.

But I didn't want to hear her excuses.

Yeah I said I just wanted her to come back but that was cause I wanted to yell at her in person. Because the more I thought about it the angrier I got.

That girl had lied to all of us. Starting, basically since the day we met her. And not a just a few white lies here and there, massive ones. About who she was, about her family, about her past, and sure, I'd get it if she hadn't told Jay and Shawn but I was supposed to be her best friend. The fact that this hadn't come up in the six years we had been friends felt like a betrayal.

And I didn't want her to hit me with what I know is a sob story to make me feel bad for being angry.

She lied to me. No matter the reason I'm allowed to be angry.

So I ignore her messages.

When I go to work after lunch, I'm expecting a nice calm day in the indoor pavilion. Rory has long since stopped messaging me and I assume she's dealing with Jay who has the day off.

When I get to work, I find him swimming in the outdoor pool, so, you know, that's not good. Him swimming was never just for an exercise thing.

Maybe when he was younger, but not anymore.

Him swimming was a thinking thing, an upset thing. I made a mental note to send Shawn over to talk to him at some point because I figure that he and Rory had some sort of fight.

And then I realize that Rory could have been messaging me because she wanted to talk about that fight and now I'm doubly angry. She should be trying to apologize to me goddamn it. She lied to me for six years.

I'm seething the entire time I'm on the guard chair, so when Rory lets herself into the pavilion via the doors to the outdoor pool, I'm not happy to see her. I get off the guard chair, set myself up as a walking guard, which means hurriedly grabbing the fanny pack and the large red foam lifeguard tube and walking away.

As I walk away I'm clipping the fanny pack around my waist and trying to get the sash on so the tube is attached to me. All while Rory near jogs to keep up with me.

She doesn't flat out run so she's basically power walking, but I'm power walking faster and I have the head start.

"Could you maybe just talk to me for five minutes?" she calls, still following me.

"Nope, sorry, can't. That's buddy guarding," I shoot over my shoulder and then continue walking. I'm going to reach the end of my zone and then I'll have to double back or should. The jokes on her cause I plan to walk around the whole of the pool before I turn back around.

"You've never cared before."

True. But I'm mad at her so I care now.

"I'm working Rory, why would you come here, while I'm working, to talk to me? Why? Because I technically can't run away?"

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