August Chapter 24

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Though we didn't have to, I told Rory that we should probably get together to plan out how we were going to tackle this whole shared camp outing thing that we had set up

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Though we didn't have to, I told Rory that we should probably get together to plan out how we were going to tackle this whole shared camp outing thing that we had set up.

In my mind it would be hours of planning. It'd be a chance to spend time with her, to see if, maybe, we could rekindle that relationship I had fucked up. I was officially single now, properly free to go about dating her right.

No tricks this time.

The problem was that I had forgotten how organized Rory was. She came with a whole list of ideas and plans and just laid them out in front of me.

"Wow," I whisper as I look quickly flip through the pages. It's like she's written a whole book. "I uh... I forgot about this..."

"Yep, I'm super organized," she says quickly with a roll of her eyes. "So, as you can see I've laid out everything that we usually do and then put it next to your stuff. Some things over lap, like campfires and barbecues, which I figure we can do together, but still offer separate options cause we have radically different tastes. And then there are things that we can either do together or separate, I figure we give the attendees the choice."

"That's pretty smart. Now we just have to figure out the budget..."

"No need," Rory says, pulling a cheque out of her purse and slamming it down in front of me. "That's our share of the camp site. I figure it's best if each side paid for their things. By all means we can share if necessary, but I'm figuring we're going to be mostly separate so it'll be better if we pay for our stuff and you pay for yours."

I nod. "And what if you uh... EABers decide you want some of our stuff..."

"With the exception of Shawn I'm pretty sure the rest of us would rather die," she says. "Not that it matters as he is not going to be going."

"Oh and why not?"

"He's staying home out of solidarity. He's super salty about it, but apparently he owes Jay."

Ah so it was Jay that was making Shawn stay behind. "You could have told him that me and Marnie broke up," I remind her.

"Oh I did. He still doesn't want to come."

I could detect a bit of bitterness there. Which meant Jay still hadn't managed to lock Rory down. Seriously, why was this guy being such an idiot?

"So uh... you and him didn't... work things out?"

Rory's eyes narrow at me. "I didn't go back to Earth and Body to get with Jay. I went back because I'm appreciated there and you know... you tricked me into leaving in the first place..."

A pang of guilt hits me and I lower my eyes away from her. "Right, yeah, the tricking..." I whisper and she smiles almost smugly at me. I'm not looking at her to see it, but I can feel it hitting me. "Uh... if it's any consolation... the only reason that worked was because you were under valued and over worked. I'm uh... I'm glad that they're treating you better."

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