August Chapter 22

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After arguing with Jay again I'm literally in a terrible mood

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After arguing with Jay again I'm literally in a terrible mood.

Everyone else seems to be happy though so I guess I've done good. My plan, in the long run, seems to have worked out.

Jay left after our argument though, which meant I had to explain what had happened to make him do that. Especially he was everyone else's ride home.

"I seriously can't believe he's going to be such a petty bitch about this," Candy says. She's always gotten a little mouthy when drinking.

The PEGs had long since left since Marnie had pitched a fit about this place being beneath her and wanting to leave. It wasn't like we were close but I knew the others wouldn't have minded drinking hre, but they had left to shut her up.

Coog, because he loved me, had been bringing free drinks to the table for me. He knew I didn't drink, so I had been handing off to Shawn and Candy. When he noticed he stopped bringing beer and brought me over a tea instead.

That left Shawn and Candy to order their own drinks, but not before Shawn confirmed that he'd be getting the ol'Coog family discount. Coog had agreed, though he was not impressed. He wasn't going to be very impressed when I asked him to take me and what will most likely be two very drunk friends back to Earth and Body.

He would of course, he just wasn't going to be impressed. I'd have to make him his favourite cake or cookies to make it up to him.

"I can," Shawn says. "He hates Marnie and Bryce. Both of them are going to be there. Course he won't want to be there."

"He's just being stupid. This is cause you won't sleep with him anymore," Candy cries. "He should just tell you that he wants to date you."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Shawn snaps.

"Because, he only got mad when he realized Rory had spent all day with Bryce," Candy explains. She then turns to me. "Which—by the way—what the fuck? I mean, you could have just agreed, talked it out and come back. There was no need to do spend all day over there. What's the matter, you miss it or something?"

No, that was not why I had been there for that long. We had spent most of the time figuring out and perfecting what we were going to say, figuring out shares that would makes sense for the EABs and the Pegs, and of course, talking to the campsite to see if they could put us on the reservation this late in the game. Which, luckily for us, they could.

That and Bryce and I had been catching up. Not that I told him everything. He got bare minimum from me while he poured his heart out. I didn't really believe him though, not sure how true everything was, just because he had a habit of lying to me

"We were just talking, that's all."

"Yeah well, he's jealous that's what the problem is," Candy snaps. "I still don't get why he just won't admit he wants to date you."

"Because he doesn't want a relationship, Candy!" Shawn cries. "Just let him be. If he doesn't want to be tied down then that's his prerogative."

"Yes but why... he's already doing everything else? Why not give her the damn label? This can't all be Marnie's fault, you know?"

And now we're at the point where I'm going to have to admit something to my best friend that I hadn't. All the times that we had talked about it, all my venting and lamenting bout the situation and I hadn't mentioned this part once. Mainly because I didn't want to tell them what was coming at the end of this work season.

"Well... it's the long distance part that's upsetting him," I say and she turns to me.

"It wouldn't be long distance if you were to just go back to the cabin."

I take a deep breath before setting my shoulders knowing that telling my best friend this was not going to go over well.

"He means in September," I say. "When I go back to school."

Now I have Shawn and Candy both staring at me.

"Excuse me, what?"

I purposely focus on my nachos in front of me as I say: "Well... uhm... I only have my internship to complete... and uh... I... I'm going to go back to finish it so I can graduate. I'm uh... I'm going to be interning with my father's company like I was supposed to all those years ago and uh..."

"You're leaving... again?!" Candy shouts and I wince.

"Well... I mean... I'm planning to come back in the summer..."

"Oh bullshit!" Candy cries. "This is why he doesn't want to date you. Cause you're not fucking coming back."

"Come on now..."

"No, I get it now! It's cause you think you're better than us! You're going to go off with your daddy's internship and you're not going to come back. And if you do you're going to be exactly like the PEGs, and Marnie!"

"That's not true..."

"Face it, Rory. You went back home and you became someone none of us knew," Shawn says. "And I don't blame you, you have fucking servants, Rory!"

Candy slapped his shoulder immediately. "Oh shut up, you're not helping."

"But... they're not my servants. Just cause my parent's are rich doesn't automatically make me rich," I complain but they're not listening.

It's either the alcohol or the anger, either way it's one hell of a horrible mix.

Candy just kept shaking her head and muttering about how I was going to leave, and Shawn just kept lamenting on all the trips he missed out on because I never told anyone that my parents have a fucking mansion in Toronto.

It's honestly all a little too much for me.

So I leave.

I don't go to Candy and Shawn's cabin, but instead the one I share with Jay. The door to his bedroom is closed so I go to mine.

For a long while I just lie in my bed wondering if I'm doing the right thing. It seems callous but sometimes I wish I never came here. I should have just forced myself to face what had happened, I shouldn't have run away from my problems, I shouldn't have hidden who I really was from the people I was making friends with.

Riley would have hated that I hid for this long.

He also wouldn't have blamed me, but again, I blamed myself.

For a long while I just scroll through my phone trying to bore myself to sleep, I suppose. But, and how this happens I don't know, I end up scrolling through open job postings and low and behold I find Lacey's.

They hadn't even posted it internally it was already on the website open to anyone.

And honestly that's not fair.

In the morning, on one of my breaks, I borrow a work computer to print off the posting. Then, when no one is looking I slip it in with Jay's things.

Hopefully he finds it. Hopefully he applies.

Then maybe someone here will be getting what they want. Not just me.

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