August Chapter 6

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We had gone to bed, all of us, but I couldn't sleep

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We had gone to bed, all of us, but I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't stop thinking about what I had learned today.

Everything I knew about Rory was wrong.

For starters, I had always thought myself better than her, out of her league, but that wasn't true at all.

She was this rich and beautiful socialite who had self-exiled herself in Muskoka. She had been engaged to a man who was a Bryce carbon copy. When in her element, surrounded by her kind of people, she had fit in seamlessly. The beautiful, stunning woman with the attitude to match the look.

Probably the worst thing, was realizing why she acted the way she did was all tied up into this past I just found out about.

Rory's reluctance to get a driver's licence no doubt stemmed from that accident. Rory's desire to work herself to the bone, that didn't come from needing money, she was no doubt trying to distract herself from the pain she was in.

And of course, that one night she had called me Ry. It hadn't been a past lover she thought me to be or wished me to be. She had thought I was her dead brother.

So was that it? Was that what I was to her? A replacement for the brother she thought she killed? Because if so, what was all the romantic interest then?

God, this is just a complete and utter mess and I have so many questions that I just can't... I can't just lie here. Not when I know the answers to all my questions are just across the hall.

Before I can register what I'm doing, before I can change my mind, I get myself out of my bed and head out of my room and down the hall to Rory's. I knock loudly and then wait. Nothing. Not a single sound, and the door doesn't open.

Right... I see how this is going to go.

"Rory," I hiss at the door. "You have to the count of five and then I'm going to try and break down this door."

I get to the count of two and the door opens.

A very upset Rory is staring back at me. She's in a regular Earth and Body type outfit that I'm used to. Sweatpants and t-shirt. She finally looks more like herself, or the version of her that I know, and I'm already feeling more comfortable.

She glares at me, tears still streaming down her face, silently, like she doesn't realize they're still falling. You'd think she'd be done crying by now, but she hasn't, and it's starting to look painful.

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you," I say pushing my way into the room before she can shut the door on me. "Do you wanna do that here, or..."

She slams the door shut and just whirls away from me. She stalks across her room and then throws herself onto the bed like she's a Disney princess, her words disappearing into her blankets and pillows.

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