June Chapter 15

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I've never been so angry in my life

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I've never been so angry in my life.

I knew she was lying, know that she was hiding something, but I never even imagined that it was Bryce. I haven't said anything to Rory during the entire ride back to Earth and Body and I don't say anything to her as we walk to the cabin, but as soon as the door to our cabin shuts, I explode.

"What the actual fuck is going on Rory?" I scream and she jumps. She was heading for the kitchen to make lunch before the outburst and she's heading there even faster now.

"Nothing," she snaps.

"Nothing?" I echo. "Nothing? You call lying to me about Bryce nothing?"

"I lied because I knew you'd freak out!" she cried. "He's been told to do the permit. He didn't start because he was trying to get to me it's just a coincidence!"

"Bull. Shit," I growl. I'm leaning against the kitchen counter, thinking back on how this month has gone, thinking about all the changes and little things she lied about.

"He's why you decided you didn't want to do all the work, isn't he?" I ask.

Rory stiffens and I know I'm right. "Don't you lie to me, Rory."

"Fine, yeah. He's the one who got me thinking about talking to Lacey about me not doing all the work. But Candy wasn't lying I think about that all the time."

"And he was where you were when you weren't coming home during those extra two days too right?"

Rory is playing with her fingers like she does when she's feeling guilty. "Yes, he took me for lunch."

"And you're going to go for lunch with him on Friday, aren't you."

Rory is looking down now. "No." Okay I feel a bit better now. "I'm going for dinner."

Yeah good feeling gone.

"Rory..." I start but she cuts me off.

"Why do you care anyway, Jay? You're not going to ask me out, are you?" she cries.

She's looking right at me now and I'm frozen. I know what she's looking for me to say, but I just can't. "No," I whisper and that hope in her eyes dies.

"Then I can date whomever I want," she says.

"But... isn't he with...?" I don't want to say her name and luckily Rory doesn't make me.

"He said they broke up at the beginning of the summer," she says absently as she's making herself a sandwich, I notice she's not making me one.

"He's lying, Rory."

"You don't know that," she shoots back.

"You're not his type... you have to see that..."

"What? That I'm not pretty enough?" she cries, she looks tearful and I immediately regret saying anything. "Maybe I am? Ever thought of that? Just because you're trying to get with some stupid blonde bitch who's using you to do her job so she can paint her fucking nails doesn't mean someone else can't find me attractive. Believe it or not I am pretty to most people so maybe Bryce does like me after all!"

She's takes off the sweater she's borrowed from me without asking and throws it at my face. "Fuck you, Jay, and you're incredibly high standards! Maybe you're not pretty enough for me anymore, how about that!"

I watch her storm off surprised that I feel a little bit worried that I may have killed that crush she had on me even though, at the beginning of the summer, that was exactly what I wanted to do.

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