July Chapter 18

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I awake in a familiar room with a pounding head and an unsettled stomach

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I awake in a familiar room with a pounding head and an unsettled stomach.

I'm warm, too warm.

Someone has me wrapped up in a pair of strong arms and considering the man who was supposed to be my boyfriend had brought his real girlfriend to the party last night, I know it can't be him.

I half turn and find that it's Jay's face on the pillow behind me.

My eyes widen.

No. What? Did we... what the hell?

All at once I'm bombarded with memories.

Flashes, bits and pieces of the night.

Arguing with Marnie. Begging Jay to be my fake boyfriend. Letting Jay take me home. Letting Jay do... sinful things to me with his hands, his tongue... I would have thought, the both of us being so out of practice their might have been some... issues, some slip ups or fumbles, but for what I remember the night seemed to be... perfect.

I had never thought he could be that good.

He seems to have realized that I've woken up because he begins to stretch behind me.

His arms, loosen their hold on me briefly, simply so he can stretch out. Once he's done his arms tighten around me again and he nuzzles his nose into my back, running it along my spine.

This had been my dream, for so long this was what I wanted. Why, now that I had it, did it feel so wrong?

He mumbles and grumbles for a second, his lips press a soft kiss to the skin of my shoulder and then he whispers: "Morning."

I mumble my own morning back to him but say nothing else. I feel tense and nervous but he doesn't seem to notice. He props himself up to smile sleepily down on me. "You hungry?"

I get half a "uhmm..." out of my mouth but he's already moving and I'm stuck watching the sinew of his body ripple as he pushes him up and out of the bed. "Did you get your birthday pancakes yesterday? I'm guessing no with all the Marnie shit, right?"

He's right but I don't know why he's being so nice. I figured Jay, who was probably as drunk as I had been last night, would be freaking out to find out that we slept together last night. Especially since he was the one who kept saying that he didn't like me in a romantic way.

In fact, according to him, he doesn't even like me as a friend.

"You sit," he says as he heads for the door. "Breakfast in bed, that's the tradition, right?"

It was, except that I would make the birthday pancakes, I'd hand them off to Candy and then go back to bed and wait for Candy to present them to me. That was, if I wasn't working on my birthday, then I got the pancakes while I was either on the guard chair or while I was on break.

Apparently, at PE it was mandatory to have your birthday off and now I'm happy that they had forced not just that day but the day after off on me. Sort of. I did kind of want to leave, only because this felt like some alternate reality bullshit, but I also kind of want to know what's going on.

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