August Chapter 30

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I'm alive

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I'm alive.

I don't know how it's possible but I'm alive.

And I know I'm alive, because my leg hurts. If I were dead, I wouldn't have woken up in hospital and I wouldn't have been in pain.

Unless I was in hell.

In which case yes this was pretty spot on.

"You know... ever since you were little you've been nothing but trouble. But this is extra even for you."



Someone had called my mother.

I turn my head and there's my mom, surrounded by a typhoon of paperwork. She's literally taken up a whole extra bed.

She doesn't look good either.

For starters she's wearing a grey zip up sweater over what looks to be a very expensive looking purple blouse. Her pants were pin striped, her shoes were off and discarded beside her, and her hair was up in her typical work bun, except it was clear that she had been playing with it because bit and pieces were falling out of it.

My mother hadn't looked this... dishevelled... since Riley had died.

"Did you know, I've read the same deposition six times in the last hour?" she asks as she walks around the bed to get to me. "That's how distracted I've been..."

And there's that guilt my mom is famous far.

"Are you wearing one of Uncle Coog's sweaters?" My mother's eyes narrow at me and I know right away that this is not a smart topic to be on so I immediately change my tune.

Even though I'm pretty sure I'm right.

"Sorry," I say. "But I didn't go looking for a mountain lion, mom."

Her eyes narrow at me. "I don't believe you," she says primly.

Most people would assume she means it, but I know my mom and I know she's teasing.

I glance down to the foot of my bed, I want to ask if I'm okay, if any part of me is... missing. But I don't get to, my mom reads my mind and simply says: "All of you is there," she says. "You've got stitches but the foot is still attached, I hear someone got to you right in the nick of time."

My eyes move to the other side of the bed. There's been a pressure there, but I've been too afraid to look. I'm pretty sure I know it's my dad, he's probably fallen asleep by the bed, but I'm hoping it's someone else, the person I really want to see. But he's never been by my bedside before, why would I assume he'd be here now? Especially since we've been arguing up until now.

To distract myself I focus on wondering who it was who saved me in the nick of time. I'm figuring Jay or Shawn, or both since I had made it to Earth and Body and they were the two with the hunting licence.

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