August Chapter 14

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I caught a lucky break at work when the indoor pool got shut down due to a maintenance issue

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I caught a lucky break at work when the indoor pool got shut down due to a maintenance issue. A fuse blew and the filter shut off. Can't run a pool safely or hygienely without the filter working. It was an automatic closure and we'd be closed until we got it fixed.

Lacey had extra work for me to do but I didn't want to do it. So I left, said I was taking an hour break, no need to pay me. She didn't really like that I wasn't pulling my weight to cover the fact that she wasn't pulling her weight, but she was literally leaving soon, so why would I cover for her now?

I took the lunch that Rory had brought me and took it back to our cabin. I know she said she was busy today, but I figured she wouldn't mind the company. I wasn't going to bother her, she could still do whatever she wanted to do, I just kind of wanted to be around her. You know... bask in her presence or something silly like that.

I loved having her near me, I just didn't like telling her that. I didn't feel manly admitting that to her. And I figured, with the way things were right now, it probably wasn't a good idea to bring it up.

Plus if I could get some alone time with her I might be able to convince her to make out with me some more.

She had kind of turned me into a horny teenager again. I didn't even care if I was getting laid at this point, all I wanted to do was hug her, hold her close to me and make out with her.

Was that even normal?

But when I got back to the cabin Candy was in our kitchen. She had every cabinet door open and the fridge door open, and on the kitchen island was a piece of paper and a pile of random food items.

Rory was nowhere in sight but I could hear our shower going.

"What are you doing?"

Candy stops rooting through our cabinets to glare at me. "Can you keep a secret?"

"I mean... yeah?" I say.

"From Shawn."

"Aw what did you do?" I ask right away because usually that's the only reason why she'd ask me to keep a secret form him.

Last time it was because she had lost his favourite knife in the lake. Spent two days diving before I found it, cause I got sick of listening to him bitch about his favourite knife being at the bottom of the lake.

"Nothing, it's for his birthday this weekend."

My first and automatic response is to ask if that was this weekend. But it must be because she just said it was. Normally I was better at remembering my best friend's birthday but clearly I had been so distracted by me and Rory and whatever it was we were doing to have remembered.

At least I already had his gift wrapped and ready to go.

"Yes I can keep a secret," I tell her with a sigh.

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