August Chapter 13

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I had been saying tomorrow for a week now

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I had been saying tomorrow for a week now.

It had yet to be tomorrow.

It was like all he had to do was smile at me and I'd jump into his arms. And like he was going to say no to sex. He was a guy, there was no way he was going to say no to sex if I was willingly offering it. So if I jumped on him there was no way he was going to turn me down.

And he hadn't. Once.

That meant I ended up in his bed every night. He hadn't called me out on it, he hadn't complained, though why would he? He was getting laid. No man complained about getting laid.

But he hadn't made me feel bad about it either.

At no point did he taunt me. He didn't make me remind me that I said we'd stop fucking around, we both seemed content to ignore it. And since I had no self control, we had just continued.

I couldn't help it. I liked kissing him, I liked being in his arms and the sex was great. And it wasn't just me jumping him. He liked to take my hand and pull me to him. He liked having me against his chest, and I could tell that he was enjoying waking up to me in the morning, because every time he did, he'd pull me close and snuggle into my shoulder.

We had sort of fallen into some kind of routine.

On the days he had opening shifts he'd make me breakfast. Something small. Scrambled eggs and toast. Toaster waffles. Just plain toast. But it always came with a cup of tea. On my opening shift days, I'd leave coffee for him cause he wasn't a big breakfast person anyway.

If he made me breakfast, I would make lunch. So that way when I went to work, I had something to eat, and when he got off his morning shift he'd be coming back to a warm meal. If I made breakfast, he'd bring me lunch and then ask me to stay and eat with him because he always wanted to know if I liked it.

Dinner was whatever they decided on that night and they tended to take turns on Dinner.

We shared chores. Whoever cooked didn't have to do dishes. He took over all the bathroom stuff that disgusted me, I did all the dusting and vacuuming.

All of a sudden, I had a perfect roommate that I was on and off sleeping with. Things had never been this good and at this point I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

That day was my day off. I had woken up to breakfast and tea waiting for me. I ate quick, washed the dishes, did some light cleaning before starting lunch. I went for pasta because it was easy to make and we had a pesto to burn through before it expired.

I ate, I packed up Jay's portion and then dropped it off.

As soon as he saw me, he was off the guard chair. I left his lunch in the guard room before heading over to him.

I wasn't going to stay long but he wanted to chat. To buddy-guard actually, which he always said he was against until he wanted to do it.

I answered his questions. Yes, I liked the omelet, yes the tea was just like I liked it, yes I had already eaten, and no, no I could not stay to eat with him when he rotated off in forty minutes. I had something I wanted to do today, something that was a long time coming, and I wanted to leave room to get everything else done too.

I was planning on doing the dishes I dirtied making lunch, even though it should have been his turn, and getting dinner started because Jay was pulling a triple today and wouldn't be getting off until five. He had purposely taken the shift that Candy wanted off in the late afternoon instead of me so I could have a full day off before having to go to the Fablehaven permit tomorrow.

But as I was leaving, Candy called me over. Asked me to wait for her. She'd be off in twenty minutes and she had something important to talk to me about.

I agreed, only because Candy looked rather frantic, and I was still trying to patch up our friendship. It wasn't that she was still mad at me or treating me badly. It was just that, since she had found out about everything I had hidden, things had been... strained. Mostly because she didn't trust me anymore.

And that was fair, I was the one who came up North and pretended to be something I wasn't, but I couldn't change that now. I could only try to make things better.

So, I waited out on the outdoor pool deck, catching some rays, to try and even out my awkward lifeguard tan, until she was done, ignoring how often I caught Jay staring at me.

When Candy was done work and she was changed out of her uniform, we headed back to the cabins.

"So... what's up?"

"It's Shawn's birthday this weekend," she reminds me.

"I know," I say right away. "We're all set to party once the pool closes. Jay's going to get the beer, and I'm going to make the cake..."

"Well, see that's the thing..." Candy says and though I already know what she's going to say I don't interrupt her. "I want to make the cake this year... and well I was hoping you'd help me."

She does this every year and then changes her mind. Cakes are my specialty, well baking's my specialty. I've always been unnaturally good at it, which was why I was always the one who baked the cake. Even for my own birthday.

But every year Candy says she's going to be the one to bake the cake this year, and each time she looks at the recipe and changes her mind.

"Sure, I can help you with the cake," I say, choosing not to remind her of the previous years' attempts. "And I can even switch out duties. I'll make the dinner, what does he want?"

"Surf and turf," she says right away and I nod because that's what he wants every year. Lobster, steak and a baked potato on the side.

"No problem. Do you know what kind of cake he wants?"

She takes out her phone and shows me the picture. It looks like a standard chocolate cake, except I can tell by the decorations that it's something trickier. This is a specialty hazelnut cake, which requires making a hazelnut buttercream to ice the inside of the cake, and a chocolate butter cream to ice the outside, and a black forest chocolate cake as the layers. It would be topped in Ferro Rocher chocolates, and if he wanted the really fancy one, which he always did, a hollow point in the center of the cake filled with more of that hazelnut buttercream mixed with chopped up nuts, not just hazelnuts.

I made the cake for him once three years ago, and I said never again. It had literally taken me hours, was super difficult, I had cut my hand chopping nuts, it had gotten so time consuming I was literally crying from exhaustion. But Shawn had loved the caked, and he had asked for it every year since.

"That's a very complicated cake Candy," I tell her and she winces. "I had a hard time with it and I was basically an expert at that point."

"I know but he really wants it and I want to give it to him. And I figure you could help me, you know?"

I sigh, but I know I will help her. "Fine, we'll have to do it over at our cabin then," I say. "And we should probably go through my ingredients, see what I have and what you need to buy."

"Ooh! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cries as she hugs me.

It's almost like things are getting back to normal between us. I just had to make sure that I didn't lie about anything else. 

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