July Chapter 1

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I was a little surprised that there was a spot waiting for me at Polished Elite Spa

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I was a little surprised that there was a spot waiting for me at Polished Elite Spa.

Surprised and a bit suspicious, but I took what was offered to me, mainly because I didn't have a choice, but also because I wanted to be petty and hurt Jay in any way that I could.

On the plus side, it's twice the pay, better hours and less teaching. Bryce's step-dad put me in Bryce's cabin, gave me the grand tour himself and then handed me best-looking uniform he could find. He was kind and gracious and really excited that I was going to be working with them. The very first thing he did was call Fablehaven to confirm that the PEG coming in would be me so they wouldn't have to worry about losing the guard they had requested.

I purposely packed my most prized possessions the night I quit. I had barely been back to Earth and Body in fear of running into my friends and Jay. The few times I had gone was to start moving as many of my things out as I could, and to sign the necessary paperwork to confirm I was in fact quitting. But I only did so when I was certain they were out guarding and wouldn't be able to come and make me feel bad for what I was doing.

Lacey actually got on her hands and knees and begged me to stay. I told her I wasn't going to ever work with Jay again, so it was either me or him. When she couldn't decide I left.

This move to Polished Elite was hard for me. It was jarring to wake up in my new room surrounded by cardboard boxes I was too depressed to full unpack. I knew I wasn't going back to Earth and Body that I had made my choice and moved but something was keeping me from unpacking everything. I think I was afraid to let go.

I had been at Earth and Body for 6 and a half years, basically for most of my independent adulthood. My friends were there, my new life had been made there and now I was moving, I was joining the dark side. I couldn't stop thinking how snobbish the PEG's were, how annoying their clientele were. There had been a welcoming party the day after I was officially signed to a Polished Elite contract. I was officially on probation. I hadn't been on probation in years.

I had to say, on the outside everything was a lot prettier at Polished Elite. Everything was made out of the finest material, no expense was spared, and everything specially designed for the spa and its cabin.

Bryce has is very own cabin, he doesn't live with his step-dad which I think adds to t he strain on their already strained relationship, nor does he bunk with any of the other guards. There is more room in the PEG cabins. Bryce has a giant kitchen, a living room, two bathrooms, three bedrooms, a rec room and a room for the washer, dryer, and other cleaning products. Luckily for me, he hasn't pressured me to sleep in his room or with him which is wonderful as I'm now officially mourning the loss of Jay.

I had said it earlier this year and now I have to say it again with finality. This time I have to mean it.

Things are officially done with Jay and I. There is no hope that he'll come to his senses and ask me out. He's never going to love me, and it's become clearly that he'll never even like me as a friend at this point. It's time give up. And you have no idea how hard it is for me to do that, I come from a long line of people who think quitting is cowardly. But I've quit on everything once before and this time, though it's hard, I find that it's not as hard I think it is going to be. In fact, I feel almost detached to the whole situation. Maybe that's the shock.

I'm getting ready to make my last trip to Earth and Body, Bryce had been kind enough to offer me a ride. I've decided to walk because it will help me with my nerves, my plan is to be too tired by the time I get there to be scared. There are only two more boxes waiting for me, Candy has requested a lunch date, probably to say good-bye. She's been holding the boxes hostage until I agreed.

Bryce is sitting at the kitchen table, reading a newspaper and eating a bowl of tasteless bran cereal. I've noticed that for a Head Guard, Bryce doesn't work very often. He smiles up to me when I come into view.

"Look at you, looking all sexy and stuff," he says to me with a wolfish grin on his face. He's gotten more and more suggestive since I've moved in. His smile is wide and almost impossible to say no to, I won't be able to resist him for much longer. Especially since he's found that spot on my neck that makes my knees go weak and my mind go blank.

But even though he's technically my boyfriend, sleeping with him still feels like a betrayal. And if I'm being honest my heart still belongs to Jay and I can't seem to bring myself to go that far with Bryce.

I do a little twirl for him and he chuckles. I'm grateful that he hasn't asked why I've dressed up. We both know why and I'm glad he's not making me say it out loud, or lie to him by saying I'm doing it for my lunch date with Candy alone. He stands up to hug me and I let him, smiling as he presses a kiss into my hair.

"When you get home, I'm going to have a surprise for you," he tells me and I'm suddenly grinning like an idiot. People don't really surprise me anymore and I like the idea of someone wanting to do something like that for me.

"Aw baby thank you!" I coo in what I hope is a sweet and sincere way before getting up on my tiptoes and planting a small kiss the corner of his mouth.

I've been with Bryce long enough to know that if I play hard to get he gets flustered and demanding. I like that better than the cool and calculated Bryce, he seems more human when I can make him growl with frustration. I'm sure to be quick enough to dart out of his arms before he can snatch me up and demand a full kiss from me.

I shoot him a playful glance over my shoulder as I rush out the door. Not because I'm in a hurry to get to where I need to be, but just because I want to torture him a little bit, make him really want me before I get back. I like the smile of appreciation I see on his face as I walk out the door, like even though he didn't get his way he's still happy. I try to keep this in my mind while as I start what will be a very long walk, but there's only one face floating around in my mind, and let me tell you, even in my imagination he is not happy to see me.

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