June Chapter 22

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I waited a whole day to put my plan for revenge into motion

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I waited a whole day to put my plan for revenge into motion. That shows a large amount of restraint for me. Not that it would have mattered, I needed Rory for my plan and the next time Rory, Jay and I were all working is today. Rory knows what I need her to do, I just hope it all works.

It's an opening shift this morning, Rory is waiting for me at my door when I show up. She has a coffee for me and tea for her, no one at EAB lets her drink straight coffee anymore. Those froo-froo drinks with more milk then coffee, sure, but nothing that's got black coffee and an inhumane amount of sugar in it. She'd be bouncing off the walls for hours and that was something none of us wanted to deal with. She's got the keys hanging off her wrist. I stare at them quizzically.

"Jay's sleeping," she says. "Also, he's been using my shampoo so to punish him I've stolen his keys."

"Is that wise?" I wonder. Mainly because Jay maintains she can't be trusted with keys. Only because once she dropped them in the pool. It almost might have something to with a completely different time when the key ring broke and she didn't notice so she left a trail of keys behind her without knowing it. Or maybe because of that one time she got hit in the face with keys and she needed stitches. I'm worried she's got the keys and I've got good reason, okay?

"Why not? I know what all of them do. I open the building without him all the time," she says as we walk towards the front of the building. The sun has just started rise, and I once again grumble that 5:45am is too early in the morning for this.

There's a rustling somewhere in the bushes and I grab Rory and freeze. There's a fence between the wilderness that surrounds us and Earth and Body, but there is also a few feet in between our manicured grass and the fence that is pretty much dense forest. Though this shouldn't be a problem wildlife is very adept at climbing over or digging under or chewing through our fences. We've had problems with possums, raccoons, squirrels, foxes, coyotes but the real thing we worry about is the deer, the moose and the odd cougar or bear that sometimes make it onto our land. The Forest Rangers are adamant that there are no bears in our area, that the constant cottage building and traffic has driven them away from their regular territory, but I swear to you there's still bears around here.

We do have a hunting range on the other side of our land by the outdoor pool, so we get more deer than anything. In fact the last time we heard rustling it was a deer and a fawn, now those assholes are mean. I don't want to get chased by a dear because Rory wants to pet the baby again. I spot a pair of banded beady yellow eyes and I know immediately it's a raccoon. I drop my hold on Rory and she's no longer beside me.

"Hello Mr. Raccoon!" she says in a hushed whisper. She's pulled a granola bar out of the pocket of her sweater and I'm baffled as to why she's offering the food to the raccoon. The raccoon isn't interested in handouts interestingly enough and before I know it its run off and she's going after it disappearing off the path. Fucking great, now I've lost Rory in the woods. I sigh deeply and quickly go after her, because honestly, if something happens to her, Jay will kill me. 

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