June Chapter 23

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I'm going to kill her

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I'm going to kill her.

Why she thought taking my keys was a good idea is beyond me. I said I was sorry I used her shampoo so there was no reason to take this petty revenge so far. Shawn and I always shared it never occurred to me that her and Candy never did. Can anyone tell me how it's possible that Rory and Candy could have two different types of hair? So, when mine ran out, I figured she wouldn't notice some of her shampoo missing, especially since she had a whole shower caddy filled with different girly shower products.

Also, and don't tell her this, but I accidentally washed my hair with apricot body wash once because I thought it was shampoo. My hair was super greasy for a whole day but I got several compliments from Lacey about smelling delicious and I craved apricot all day. Actually, I'm still kind of craving apricot I wonder if Candy has any, she usually has random fruits around.

I know I haven't slept in that late, but I'm rushing towards the front of the building anyway hoping to overtake them and I still haven't bumped into them. I really hope that Rory hasn't opened the building without me. I know she knows how to do it but I worry about the safety and stability of the building when she's in it alone. She's a walking natural disaster, knowing her she'd trip over something and set off all the alarms, or blow up the pump. I don't know I just don't trust her.

"Come on Mr. Raccoon! I want to be your friend!"

That was Rory.

I'd know her voice anywhere.

I come to a skidding halt and listen for more telltale signs of Rory. I'm very luckily rewarded.

"Okay but I don't think it wants to be your friend!"

And that was Candy. Okay, so Candy's with her so it can't be that bad. But if a raccoon's going to go for Rory's face the only thing Candy will be good for is taking a really funny video and bunch of really awkward looking pictures.

I change directions following my gut, or as everyone else calls it, my Rory Senses, and the sound of chaotic giggles. I wonder if Rory got a hold of straight coffee, she'll be hard to deal with, I'll have to lock her in a sauna, let her sweat it out. I could always tie her to a tread mill again too, I'll just have to pay better attention to her so she doesn't get tangled up in her leash. Though, come to think of it, I haven't seen the leash in a long while. She might have managed to maliciously destroy it while I wasn't paying attention.

It doesn't take me long to find them, Rory's at the base of a tree, she has a hand outstretched up above her trying to reach something in a branch high above her. I don't see the keys. That makes me nervous.

"Really?" I snarl under my breath.

Candy is sipping on her coffee a very safe distance away from Rory and the tree. "I'm just waiting for the inevitable."

"The inevitable?" I echo.

"You know, Raccoon gets pissed, Raccoon decides to chew Rory's face off. I get the day off to stay with her while they sew her face back on and give her a rabies shot," Candy says casually.

I nod, yeah that sounds like what's going to happen. "Where are the keys?" I ask Candy hoping she has them and I can leave Rory to her raccoon-infested-death.

"Either on her wrist or in her pocket. Kinda lost track of them."

Well that makes my decision for me. Can't leave her to her raccoon-induced-doom if she has my keys.

I stalk forward and even though Rory says "hi," to me I ignore her. I stoop down and scoop her up swing her up over my shoulder and then turning and walking away. Rory's screaming something about blood flow to her head and how she's dangerously close to my butt and how she wants to give me a wedgie.

"If you go anywhere near my belt line, I'm going to drop you on your head," I warn her.

She settles for smacking my butt and I pretend to drop her so she shrieks and grabs at my lower back. As if I'd actually drop her. She's lighter now, I can carry her no problem. I could carry her no problem when she was heavier too.

I catch myself grinning and shoot a glance at Candy and see by the smug grin on her face that she has caught the entire moment.

"As long as you're giving out rides, can I get one?" she asks with a cheeky smile.

I shoot her a dry glare. "If I put you down are you going to go chase a raccoon?" She shakes her head no with a laugh as Rory starts squirming against my shoulder. She's calling out to the raccoon to follow her for more treats. Yeah, smart. "Then I don't have to worry about you."

Candy walks side by side with me and after a while Rory stops struggling. I like it when she gives up, makes my life easier. She even gave up the keys easier than expected. All I had to do was ask for them, usually she'd try to barter for them, but today she just hands him things. I don't think anything of it at the time, it's not until later that I realize something's going on and I'm probably going to regret her compliance at some point today. 

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