June Chapter 4

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She has sleep issues, only on some nights though, haven't quite been able to figure out what nights this will happen

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She has sleep issues, only on some nights though, haven't quite been able to figure out what nights this will happen. Except for thunder storms. If there's thunder in the air she won't be asleep.

If she's sick she's in the kitchen, on the floor. Don't ask me why, something about the tiles. If she's crying she's in the tub, you won't hear her crying so you probably won't know she's there. I never do, not until I turn the shower on. If she's throwing up she'll either be on the couch or on the floor in the washroom. If she's hurt she's probably hiding, look for trails of blood.

She used to bake every Saturday. Now she does it on the last Saturday of every month. People start calling her cell at six in the morning to put a bid in on her baking. They'll start showing up at four to pick it up.

We share chores. She hates doing the dishes. I wouldn't trust her with the washing machine if I were you. She's the only one who can get our vacuum to work. Snake the drain at least once every two weeks, well maybe you won't now that I'm gone but she has long hair too.

I can't stop thinking about what Candy told me about Rory. I hadn't ever realized just how high maintenance she was until I was being prepared to live with her. My first night with her was hell. It was one of her sleepless night and while she was virtually soundless I could see the light from her book light, and I could hear the very soft sound of pages turning. She had read all the way until 3am. She finished the book she had started at dinner, apparently, before I came home, which meant that this was a secondary book she was practically skimming. Seriously there was no way she was reading that fast.

We were obviously very awkward with each other, I didn't know what to say to her. She had been considerate enough to save a portion of her dinner for me. Shawn had never done that, we had pretty much looked out for ourselves. We never really made meals, the most we did was grilled cheese and macaroni and cheese from the box. I think the fanciest we ever got was grilling steak on our barbeque.

She made me a stir-fry. Or well, actually she made herself a stir-fry and then whatever she didn't eat she gave to me. Still, that was more than Shawn had ever done, I guess because we were always so hungry there weren't any leftovers. And yes, she had been considerate enough to shut her door and keep her main light off but I could still see the light streaming out from under the crack of both her door and mine.

I was mad at her this morning. Mad because I had finally managed to fall asleep and then she woke me up again by making breakfast. I mean, there are worse ways to be woken up, but I was tired and grumpy and no amount of bacon was going to fix it. Okay that's not true. One cup of coffee and a plate of bacon and I was in a good mood again, but I didn't apologize and she didn't seem to be looking for one. Or at least... she didn't ask me to apologize for biting her head off for making so much noise in the morning.

This morning is important because it's our first training of the summer. It's a chance to see how the new recruits will behave with us, to see whether or not they know what they're doing and are willing to work. And a chance to scope out our competition.

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