22. Plans in the Ballroom

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Cadmus and Eirene walked into the ballroom already filled with butlers weaving through the growing crowd of attendees. A rainbow of gowns was present, while ladies waltzed and danced with their partners. As they entered, a trumpet sounded next to them. A thin man with an equally thin mustache, reminding Eirene of a vulture looking for a fresh kill, lowered his trumpet as the crowd turned to face the newcomers. Eirene gripped Cadmus' arm ever so slightly tighter, this much attention would not help their plans go as smoothly as she had hoped. Cadmus merely pulled Eirene slightly closer, and waved to the crowd with a charismatic smile. The band in the farthest corner died out with a sad note from the flute as the announcer began to speak.

"I present, Sir Markson and Madam Alisis, newly weds and our honored guests," he crowed over the babble of excited voices. The crowd slowly sank into bows and curtsies as the apparent couple made their way into the room. The band struck up a merry tune and the dancing couples turned back to their partners, beginning to waltz once more. A couple of two young women dressed in lavish purple gowns and pink feathers danced over to where Eirene and Cadmus stood. As they approached, they stepped off the dancing floor, signified by a think red string tied to the ground. 

"Sir Markson, married?" Scoffed the taller, thinner woman. She too looked like a vulture ready to feast on the scraps a larger beast left behind. A flame a jealousy flickered to life in Eirene. She held her nose in the air and looked down at the woman. 

"Yes, what of it?" She sneered. The woman looked taken aback, and her partner, a short woman with a soft face, tried to pull her away, muttering under her breath.

"Come on, I know you are upset, but let the newly weds be," she mumbled. The tall woman pulled her hand out of hers and sneered back at Eirene.

"I'm surprised he went with you, peasant," she said. Eirene's cheeks lit up, and her eyes sparked to life, a cruel smile pulling at her lips. At this moment, Cadmus was ready to pull Eirene away and kiss her into oblivion, her jealousy evident and making his inner wolf practically howl with joy. Furthermore if he didn't pull her away, this woman would not survive, but she would not get away with calling his love a peasant. 

"She is no peasant," he growled possesevily. "And she is my wife, I would think it best if you went on your way." The woman's eyes widened at his low voice, and she gaped like a fish on land. Her partner pulled her away, blushing shamefully.

"I'm sorry Miss, Sir, Madam, I, Lord, I'm sorry, please forgive us. She wished your sister would marry you, I wasn't supposed to say, I..," she mumbled and spluttered, backing away into the crowd of dancers. Her partner an unhappy shade of tomato red. Eirene glowered up at Cadmus.

"I could handle her," she snarled, then added on, "the wench."

Cadmus laughed.

"I have no doubt in my mind that you couldn't, however with our activities later tonight, I suggest we try to keep a low profile." Eirene glared, but knew he was right, and attempted to put out her flame of jealousy, but something prodded at her.

"Who was her sister?" 

"I do not know," Cadmus said too quickly to be true. Eirene bit her lip and looked away from him. She deserved one lie after the many she had told him. But she had her hands tied, stuck between worlds. She promised herself this would all be sorted out when she spoke to Selene. The same small voice from before spoke again, but if she really had a mate, someone to love her without conditions, once she finally broke free from her father, she could have a normal life with Cadmus. Hope fluttered in Eirene's chest. She could be loved, and belong with the living. But first she had to clarify the whole mate business with Selene. 

Suddenly, another trumpet sounded as the bird man spoke. 

"It is my pleasure to introduce his Royal Majesty, King Ferdinand," he said, bowing. The crowd quickly sank into bows and curtsies as the King entered the ballroom. He entered wearing royal blue robes, his golden crown perched on his neat curls. He smiled jovialy and waved to his subjects. Occasionally calling them out by name.

"How lovely for you to make it Sir Madddington, Lady Winsmire lovely as always, ah Miss Tungstion ravishing, and, oh!" He said, holding out his arms, "the guests of honor, Madam Alisis, and her husband Sir Markton, welcome welcome." The crowd followed the King's movements even when the band began to play again. The stranger Sir Markton had married had caught their attention, and in such a dress as the one she wore, all eyes were on her. "I hope you are better after this afternoon's illness?"

"I am, thank you," Eirene said. Cadmus pulled her closer, and began to rub soothing circles on her back. Eirene's nerves at having so many eyes on her faded slightly.

"Very good, very good, and I hope the ball is to your liking?"

"Yes your Majesty," said Cadmus, bowing his head. 

"What have I said about bowing?" Laughed the King, "I shall let you enjoy the ball and do not hesitate to ask if anything should arise." The King bounded off to his throne beside the band, plucking a cupcake off of a passing butler's tray. "Marvelous!" He mumbled, eating the confection. 

"We need a plan," said Eirene quietly, looking over her shoulder at him. He continued to trace a circle on her back, deep in thought.

"There are two options, create chaos and in it, grab the crown, or subtly with a delicate touch," he said. 

"I suppose I create the chaos?" Eirene muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Or I could? A wild beast from the woods could have broken through the castle walls and you can grab the crown while the guards try to catch me," he suggested. Eirene tapped her chin.

"I suppose, but what if they realize it's you? I mean to say, I do want to see your wolf form, but I know your secrecy about your... condition is important." Cadmus' heart soared, and his howled. She wanted to see him, and his wolf begged him to show her, but Cadmus knew she was right. The risks were too high. "I have a plan," said Eirene. She wiggled out of his grasp and winked. "Wait here," she mouthed as he groaned. The dress she wore, and her jealousy earlier made him wish they could just stay in the castle for tonight, and enjoy each other. He rolled his eyes as she swayed from the room and down the hall. 

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