11. Cerberus in the Bedroom

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The window across the bed where Eirene slept jiggled before swinging open. A large creature landed gracefully into the room. It glimmered and shone under the light of the moon. It's three heads looking around for a threat, upon seeing there wasn't one, the creature waddled up the bed and leaped onto the pillows. Eirene snored softly before slowly blinking her eyes open, only to be met with six glowing eyes. Unlike a common person, who would scream, she merely smiled.

"Hello Cerberus, it's lovely seeing you. And Zagreus, hello," she whispered. The creature wagged its tail, knocking a pillow into the bedside lamp. Both fell the the ground, with the lamp shattering on impact. The creature and Eirene froze, both staring at the door waiting for Cadmus to burst in. When there was no sound outside, the creature bumped its center head into Eirene, begging to be scratched. She complied, then sat up and got out of the lovely bed.

Outside the room, the sound of the breaking lamp was not missed as Eirene thought. Cadmus awoke with a start, staring at the ceiling of the suite. He rolled over and got off the couch. He stretched his muscles, crammed from sleeping on such a small surface rather than his bed. He then walked to press his ear against the locked door. He heard the sound of Eirene standing from the bed, and the sound of a large creature blundering through the room.

"Come." The creature jumped from the bed with a thud and followed Eirene to the loveseat. She sat on the luxurious seat, and Cerberus placed himself next to her feet, staring at her for instruction. "Let's see if I can help you return home." Eirene said fiddling with the various switches and knobs hidden under the center head's left ear. It tilted its head for easier access. Eirene switched the largest one and all the glowing eyes faded out. The heads lolled forward.

"Let's see," she said with her tongue between her teeth. She looked over the creature and inhaled the smell of oil, metal, and the sweet smell of a soul. "I see. I, ah yes." She looked over the creature and held her hands, palm up. Her eyes fluttered shut while her fingertips began to glow white. They sparked and glowed brighter. The light jumped into the center of her palm, growing into a orb the size of a marble then to a plum, the white growing brighter.

Between the cracks of the metallic creature, it began to glow the same blinding white. The glowing grew, engulfing the creature. Then the light began to flow from the cracks and crevices, pouring out like liquid silver. It dripped and flowed into a puddle at Eirene's feet.

The puddle took shape, bubbling and gurgling. It grew more solid and larger, into a second creature. It was an exact copy of the metal beast. But this one was not dormant and silent. It bounded around the room, it's tail wagging wildly. Eirene opened her eyes as the creature sniffed and smelled all the various items within each of its noses' reach.

"Oh that's how Zagreus manages it. Your soul, it's in the metal," whispered Eirene in awe. The glowing Cerberus bounded to Eirene and sniffed her dress, making the material ruffle. She smiled and took turns patting and scratching its heads.

"My lovely, I think you should return home to the Underworld. I'm sure you miss warm flesh and blood in your veins. The three heads nodded in a wave of ups and downs. Eirene smiled.

"Now there should be enough energy to get your metallic counterpart home with a message. And you should return to the Underworld." Eirene switched the dog back on, and it rumbled to life. It whirred and hummed. Eirene turned the knob, and began to record herself.

"Zagreus, I have been spared and will collect the ruby and gold to bring back to you. I will be traveling to the kingdom and the Underworld. I have the Commander of the Riders with me. Makaria will be with us again. I have also let the part Cerberus's soul you had in the metal body return to the Underworld. I will need help entering undetected. I do not wish the encounter Hades," Eirene said clearly. The metal heads nodded and the creature waddled back to the window and jumped out, beginning the journey back to the workshop. Eirene turned to the white dog.

"Hello, I will let you go home, but before you do, please remember me. I'll be back, and in a cloak. Let my friend and I through, and I'll bring you an extra treat. Yes?" It's tail wagged excitedly, making Eirene chuckle. "Well you best be off. I shall see you in a few days time." The white dog began to unfocus around the edges and wisps of white floated away. The dog dissolved into air and floated out the window, home.

Outside the bedroom, Cadmus leaned his back against the door. He did not know what he heard, but when he had awoken to the breaking lamp, then heard the sound of Eirene messing with metal, he knew the lies between them would continue to grow.

However, he realized that even with the lies, he would trust her to fetch the ingredients. If not for Lidia, Makaria. Perhaps with the ingredients, they could find another witch to perform the spell. But Lidia Eldridge would be alive at the end of this journey, and Makaria, whoever they may be, will not be brought back with the same ruby and gold he was going to collect.

Lord Eldridge trusted him to bring his daughter back, and he would or the knowledge of his, condition would spread like wildfire through the town and surrounding areas. He would have to travel far and wide to find another willing to take him in, no matter his past experience with one of the wealthiest and most highly regarded family in the land.

Eirene Alisis, mate or not, would not ruin his life.

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