Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:
Ambers POV

"What do you mean he talked to you?!" Alex was furious, his face all red. I didn't really want to tell him about what happened but I figured I had no other choice.
"He just asked me why we were all in the nurses office, and I told him exactly what you told me to say," I smiled proudly! I didn't crack or anything!!
"And he believed it?" Alex raised his eyebrows. I raised my hand to my mouth trying to act shocked and appalled.
"Are you questioning my acting skills??" I questioned him. He started to laugh you could see all tenseness roll of his shoulders.
"Well your not the best actor babe," he pulled me into his side, kissing my forehead.
"Well for your information, I did an amazing job and he believed every word of it," I smiled in victory.
"Good! Then I will let everyone know that we are ready to plan the escape," his smile few wider, "So now everything will be right on schedule," he grinned. Before I knew it he threw me over his shoulder.
"But me down," I complained. I swear he is such a child!
"If you insist," he teased. He threw me on the bed. Right as he leaned into to kiss me Abby, and Brian stormed in.
"Hey love birds if you don't mind, we have an escape to plan," Abby stated. Alex hopped off the bed, and went to grab his map. He hung it on the wall.
I couldn't help but stare in awe. The map was of the whole facility every security camera and mic was labeled, then there was all the security guards and headquarters marked, along with the weapon storages.
"Brian you will have to hack the security cameras and mic sand turn them off then lock the guards headquarters so we don't have to deal with any extra guards," Alex started to give out orders. But everything just became a blur.
I couldn't believe it! Soon I'm gonna see my mom, and brother again. I will be speaking to police officers, lawyers, judges. I will probably have to go back to school. But how will I go back to normal? What is normal? What will happen to everyone?
I know I'm going back home, but what about Alex? I can't loose him! We have been through too much together!
"Amber you ok?" Nettie nudged my arm. I looked at her confused.
"When did you get here?" I asked. She just smiled
"Babe this is where you come in," Alex continued his plan. How he will lead me through out of the building, while everyone finishes their jobs then follows after us. Once we get out side the police will be waiting for once, since Nettie would have called them.
But to be honest I had a feeling something bad was gonna happen.

Hey guys!! I'm sooo sorry to make you wait!!! It's just been crazy for me but.... I'm back and I'm thinking only 3-5chapters left😁 so enjoy while they last!!(I may cry cause I don't know what to do after😁😁) anyways please vote comment (ideas for a new book is cool too:)) and follow love you all!!!

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