Chapter 12:

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Chapter 12:

That's a simple rule but why?? "Why?" I asked curiosity filled my voice.

My head slightly tilled to the side. My eye brows scrunched up. Why wouldn't I look at the boss?

"Only I may look at the boss. You and Nettie must only look at the floor in his presence." Alex explained as if it made perfect sense. I just nodded. I have to pick my battles carefully. "Now you have two options,"Alex paused for effect," you can continue to fight and be corrected and kept in the same room, or you can behave and be put into YOUR room!" He smiled.

"My room?" I questioned,"As in a real room with a real bed and everything?" Think if I except that means I have to stay.... No if I accept then that me they trust me more! And that means it will be easier to leave!

"A real bed, desk, your own bathroom, computer, and TV!" Alex answered in return. A smile lite up his face.

"Done! I want to go to my room!" I exclaimed. If there is a tv and computer then I can find out what is happening in this world! Contact someone to save me!

"Of course your tv and computer access is limited, and monitored." Alex said dumping all of my hopes down the drain. I spoke to soon.

"Ya I figured," I spit out the causal lie. Alex stood up then Nettie.

"Follow us to the next step to belonging!" Alex almost screamed! He looked so excited his eyes could pop out of his head. "Nettie will show you the dinning hall where our family eats, then to activity hall, the pool, game room, courts, and finally your room." He smiled. "I know you will love it here Amber!" His smile grew even larger.

"Let's go!" Nettie demanded.

Hey guys! I'm back from camp!! It was soooo much fun! I will be back to posting atleast 2 times a week! I'm sorry this chapter is not edited.... O well! Love you guys and gals!! Plz comment, vote and follow!!:):):)

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