Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

This room is really starting to get boring! The same man always came to deliver me bread then leaves. He never says anything, but grunts when I can't scarf the bread fast enough for him. He is really pushy.

Besides being bored I'm starving and weak. The first few days I tried talking to the guy but now I barely have enough strength to eat the bread. My mouth tasted like sandpaper. Dry and rough from the lack of water.

Everyday the same routine I sit in the same chair my back hunched unable to hold my self up straight. I try to lick my dry, cracked lips. I don't know how much longer I can deal with this lack of food and water.

The poor chair I sit in is gross considering I've been sitting here for five day there is no other place to relive my self.

I just want my old life back! I would rather be Blake's slave over this! I just want to go home. When ever I think of home my throat becomes quickly more sore.

I know that if I weren't dehydrated I would be bawling right this second. I even miss crying it was better then this! Anything was better then this!! Even death started to sound better!

A bright light shined from the door again. I managed to lift my head to get a peak. I could make out two figures. The one who always delivered my food. Then there was a new person. This figure was just as tall just a little more stalky. His arms looked like the size of the little guys head. At the sight of the man my body started to quiver in fear. What d-did he w-want??

Suddenly, the door slammed. I could barely make out the voices on the other side. A man with a deep voice was yelling. Just the sound of the man yelling with such anger scared me. My body tensed. The door opened again. The bulkier man walked in holding something in his hand I studied it as he came closer. Then BAM!! It all faded to black.


Hey readers! I'm having so much fun writing this book!! And I rely hope you are enjoying the book!! Please let me know what you think!! You would make my day!! Thanks!

With love,


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