Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:
Amber POV
Ok so he found a way to try and convince Nettie and Brian. But I can't help but worry, what if we can't convince them, what if they go and tell the boss. Then our cover will be blown. They will probably kill us off. Alexis will take over. Nettie or Brian would be highly rewarded, and I would never see my family again... I have a lot at stake.
Alex also plans to tell them about us. That is if they don't storm out to tell on us. He says that they would eventually find out and if they are gonna help us plan they will have to know that we don't hate each other.
Nettie enters the nurses office first. She sees Alex with his arm around my shoulders. I stiffen. Alex just runs his hand up and down my shoulder soothingly. Nettie stares at me.
"Alex what is going on here?" She looks at him obviously confused. I just look at the ground, we have both been lying to them for almost a month.
"Wait for Brain and we will explain everything, I promise." Alex orders calmly. Obediently Nettie takes a seat on the opposite bed and stares at us. Protectively, Alex pulls me closer into him.
A few minutes later Brain enters looking just as confused as Nettie did. He went and took a seat next to her, and scrunched his eye brows together.
"I want to start by showing you guys a video," Alex removes his arm from my shoulder and grabbed a remote pointing it to the tv in the frount of the room. The screen came to life, showing the boss' office with him and a small figure standing up. Then it hit me that figure was me. I gasped, as the film rolled on where you saw him hit me. Alex wrapped his arm around me as the room went silent. I snuggled into his shoulder trying to keep myself from crying.
Nettie was just in shock." Wa, was that Amber?" Her voice trembling. Brian looked in almost worse condition then Nettie, his face turning green.
Alex stood up and walked to the tv. "Yes, that was Amber. I walked into his office to find her passed out on the chair. " he paused for effect, "you all know Amber doesn't like it here, we know that she is diffrent from us. She still has family waiting for her at home." He looked around the room.
"We can't keep her here, she deserves to go home. To be with her mother and little brother." He paused and looked at me," we need to break her out."
Nettie nodded her head. She got up from the bed and embraced me in a hug. "I will do whatever I can do to help." She smiled.
Brian looked at Alex. "Is this your girl?" He asked. Alex nodded. Pulling me into his arms. "Anything to help out a bro. Especially if it has to do with his girl."
Alex smiled.

After we all caught up, then Alex shared some of the plan. Nettie and Brain did their goodbyes. Once they both left I looked up at Alex, and pulled him into a kiss. After a minute our foreheads were resting against each others. Alex opened his eyes.
"I love you Amber, and I will never leave you," he promised. My heart stopped.
"I love you too," I wispered. Everyday I want him more and more. I want to talk to him, to feel the warmth of his hands against my waist. I am in love with Alex, and he loves me.

Hey guys!! I'm so sorry updating is slow but can we just take a moment and notice the happiness that just went down💕 ok so I plan to update next weekends but no promises cause that is final cram time. I love you all!!😘

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