Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:
The whole way walking to dinner I couldn't stop thinking about Alex. His cute dimples when he smiles, the sparkle in his eyes, the warmth of his lips. It was lonely walking around with out him but he says that if we want to convince the boss that we are over everything that happened we can't spend too much time together.
Alex has this huge plan to get it started. The worst part of it all is we have to pretend to hate each other... He is gonna tell the boss that we got in some fight and he wants nothing to do with me.
I hated that thought but Alex is convinced it would be the only way to go. So after dinner he's going to the boss's office apologize and then lie to his face.
To be honest if it weren't for the fact that the lie is about hating me I would totally be on board. Finally I made it to the dinning room. I opened the heavy whit door.
Everyone inside was laughing and having a good time till they saw me. The room dropped into silence and everyone was looking at me. Everyone was shocked to see me here but Alex. He looked angry. I stared to think this was gonna be the hardest thing I've had to do here.
"Sweetheart why don't you come sit next to me?" Nettie asked braking the silence. I slowly made my way over towards her trying to avoid eye contact with Alex all together. Once I sat down everyone was talking again. "How are you feeling?" Nettie asked. She must of heard about me passing out.
"I'm fine," I answered quickly. Then I made the mistake of looking over, their was Abby sitting on the edge of her seat, twirling a piece of hair around with her finger talking to him. She wasn't just talking to him she was full on flirting with him!!! She was wearing that stupid "smile with your eyes" expression models do talking about some stupid homework assignment. Then she spotted me staring and gave me her best I win expression.
I looked quickly down to my ham and rolls. She is flirting with MY guy!!!!
"Don't worry bout her," Nettie offered," she is nothing but a dumb blonde!" Nettie offered me a smile. "We both know Alex is smarter than that."
With that we started talking bout school, and our lives before we lived here.
"My mom and eye would always frost snowman cookies for Christmas," she shared. Those were my favorites!!
"Me too!" I exclaimed, "My mom used to always share one small fact to my brother and I about our father on New Years. I've never meet him and she never would tell us more about him then a small fact. Like his favorite cookies! " Those were my favorite memories. She would always say his favorite color (blue) or cookies( sugar). The little things and every time j heard one I would memorize it hoping if I got to meet him one day I would be able to do something for him he wouldn't expect.
"I knew nothing about my dad too! My mom used to tell us small details on the dates he would take her on!" She smiled at the memory.
"You mom sounds awesome!" I smiled. She sounded a lot like my mom.
"Thanks! She wa.." Before she could finish he walked in..

Hey guys!!! Guess what?!? Two updates in the span of two days!!! Woot woot!!! I literally have had no homework so that means I actually have time to write:) but anyways sorry this chapter isn't the most exciting night e next chapter will be good I promise!!!:) vote comment follow love you all!!!!

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