Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:
Amber POV

I could picture the thin layer of snow on the ground. My mom used to tease us that the snow in the fields were ranch dressing so the grass would taste better for the cows. I never believed her, but Blake always fell for it. That was till he tried it. He quickly that the snow was not ranch dressing.
Being in this underground jail cell, we never saw any snow for the season. But Alex would always pretend like he knew if it was snowing or not. Always making me a cup hot coco, and saying something like, "To keep my love warm in such frightful weather." It always made me laugh.
"Amber?" Alex waved his hand I front of my face trying to get my attention again.
"Sorry, I guess I spaced out," I apologized to the group. Everyone was in the nurses office even Abby. Ever since Alex dropped the whole thing about how we are all siblings(except Alex), and how our father killed almost all of our parents(except Alex, and I's) bomb on her, she has been dieing to help us get out of here.
She can't stand this place. She even made an excuse to get out of work. "School" was keeping her too busy. When we all know she has been personally spending time to help create an escape plan.
"Ok guys we will meet next week same time," Alex smiled. Abby got up and waved her good byes to all of us. Then walked out the door. Slowly Nettie, and Brian followed, till it was just Alex and I.
"Are you ready?" Alex asked, pulling me into his arms. I shrugged. To be honest I am SO nervous, and scared. I didn't want anything to happen to anyone, I didn't want anyone hurt.
"Hey," Alex gently placed his finger under my chin, tilting my head up to his,"It's going to be ok. We are gonna get out of here," he promised. I gave him a small smile, and nodded. He pulled me into a kiss. His hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing small, gentle circles on my cheek bone. Then he pulled away.
"Plus I know where the weapon storage is," he wiggled his eyebrows. I just laughed.
"I would not trust you near the boss with a gun," I winked at him. He laughed.
"Aww why not," he wined. Once again he pulled me into a heated kiss.
"I have to go," I said as I stood up. Gave him a kiss on the cheek, the headed out the door.
There waiting for me was the boss. "Amber? Can we talk?" His deep voice surprising me.
"Yes did you need something?" I said trying to keep my cool. He just smiled.
"Yes I do," he paused for a second," I was wondering why all of my kids all of a sudden need nurses attention? I know she doesn't like to share her secrets, but I would like to know." I took a deep breath and nodded.
"Ok well Nettie just got over a virus, and has to take antibiotics every night, Brian twisted his elbow during a volleyball game," I leaned a little closer to him," but between you and me he doesn't like a lot of people knowing he is such a wimp about it, and then there is Abby who started taking steroids for he "breathing" problem." He looked at me questioning.
"What about Alex?" He asked raising his eyebrows. I just waved him off.
"He is always complaining about some stupid head ache," I blurted out trying to avoided the subject of Alex as much as possible. He nodded his head.
"Ahh. Well I hope you have a good evening," he said as he started to walk away. I just smiled the immediately went to my room.

Hey guys!!! So I'm sorry but this chapter is not edited😁 sorry bout that!! But I hope you guys have an amazing new year!! I hope to update later but I don't know if I can but most likely update by Friday!! Love you all!! Happy new year!!

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