Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Bright lights shined in my eyes. I squinted while looking around. Am I alive?? Am I dead?? I pinched myself just to make sure! OWWW!! Ok I'm alive! Then as I came to my senses I my throat was still sour and dry. I was still weak. Almost as nothing has changed except where I am staying.

I look around the small room. It was half the size of the other room. But not wet or cold or dark. It was almost perfect besides the fact that I wasn't home...

I picked up my head with all my strength. I was laying on a small cot with a thin plastic cover. To my right there was a brown wood tv stand. On the tv stand was wait... Is that? Is that? FOOD!!!! A huge butter milk biscuit and a glass of water. With all my force i sat up and devoured the the food and chugged the water. I was sooo hungry I knew I could eat a cow easily.

I laid back down as the excitement of food left me. The shock hit me that I was still kidnapped. I'm still missing and my family hasn't seen me in who knows how long. The more I thought about my family the more my eyes start to water. Before you could snap I started bawling in my pillow. I cried like a lil girl that lost her teddy bear.

In the middle of my sobs the door opened. A tall tan man walked into my little cage. He had dirty blonde messy hair, tall slim figure and perfectly chiseled face. "I'm very sorry for how rude my partner is," he apologized.

He kept throwing out blameless apologies. All I could think about was getting the heck out of here. Ok so if I can kick his feet out from under neath him grab his keys... O wait the door is still open!

"Are you listening to me?" He questioned. "Ya, you were talking about how stupid your partner is?" I replied with hope I was right. "Ya!" He said with shock," anyways I was saying that my boss wanted you".... That was my time!

I jumped off my cot. He look at me with shock." Everything alrig," I kicked him in the ankles, he landed on his knees so I kicked him right were it counts! He curled up in the fetal potion, as I made a run for it.

I made it about ten feet from my cell before a guard grabbed me."think you can run away huh?" He asked. I glared at him with hate. He was large and muscular. He had dark brown buzz cut hair, and tan skin. "You've been naughty naughty naughty," he said as if he was talking to a three year old. I spat at his feet." Feisty little girl!" He exclaimed with a smirk.

He dragged me back to my cell and I tried with all my might to fight back. The young man who I nearly beat up was sitting there watching me.

He shook his head at me marketing his hair flop back and forth." I tried to be nice but I see I can't anymore," he nodded his head at the guard. The guard zip tied my hands and feet to the bed then put duct tape over my mouth. I resisted but the man was too strong.

"Now if you want to meet the boss and return to your family you have to play nice! So I, Alex, will have to tame you," Alex looked at me with shame,"Our first lesson starts in 72 hours!" The guard followed Alex out of the room and locked the door behind him.

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