Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:
Ambers POV
Kissing Alex is like nothing I've experienced before. Fireworks going off in my head, butterfly's jumping around in my stomach. It's so exciting yet calming, so magical and passionate.
"Babe I got to go to work," Alex informed me. I just pouted giving him my best puppy eyes. "Come on, you know if I don't get there on time we can't get out of here," He kissed the tip of my nose,"Bye, love you." He got up to leave.
I stood up too."Bye, I love you more," I said giving him a peck on the lips.
"I don't know bout that," he winked at me, then walked out the door.
-.-. Alex POV-.-.-.
Ugh! I hate having to leave her for this stupid job. I don't even know why I keep going, I have the whole place mapped out, I know every guards post and shift. There is just something that keeps saying to stay a little longer, to not move out yet. I don't know why, but I listen to that small voice in the back of my head and keep leaving.
"Hey Albert," I wave to the guard standing in front of the boss's office. He is a tall stocky man, similar to the rest of the guards under the boss's rule.
He just nods at me. I've never heard him speak. It makes me wonder if he even can. Maybe he did something wrong and instead of firing him, the
boss cut off his tongue. It's possible.
I take my seat at my desk and begin to sort through the files. They all look like the same documents on bills, checks, any thing that has to do with money.
But this one looks different, I open the file. At the top it says kids. Kids? As in us? The main file splits into 5 smaller files. Each one had one of our names on it. I open the one that says:

Found sitting on the side of the street with a sign asking for money. Both parents are dead. He ran away from foster care system. Asked him where his parents where, he said gone. Adopted him 1 year later.

I remember that day. I hated my foster parents. They kept saying crap like I was their "family" now.
The next file I opened was Ambers. But ambers was different. Hers had pictures of her when she was little. Running in a park, her eating an ice cream cone. Then, there was her birth certificate. Her mother's name was on there, but so was this man name Anthony smith. Anthony smith? I know that name.
The rest of the kids had files similar. Photos of them when they were a kid, and a father named Anthony smith. But in the other kids files there was a document. It looked like it was for a hit man. In Abby's it showed news paper pieces and news clips of the plane crash. In Nettie's it showed pictures of the accident then it hit me.
The boss is their dad and he killed off their parents so he could have them.

Merry Christmas!!!

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