Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

Alex came and visited me a lot but mainly I never left my room. I would only leave if him or Nettie begged me to. They seamed to be my only "friends" if you could even call them that. I normally will lay on top of my bed and set a white Chasse volleyball above my head. Thinking about home.

It's August now. I should be in school seeing all my friends. I should be getting ready for a tournament. But I'm stuck here away from my family and away from my friends. And the worst part is... they don't know where I am.

For all they know I could be in Russia being held captive or ran away to California or dead.

I hate that feeling. Knowing my mom is at home with my brother wondering if I was alive or not. I know their lives will go on but, will mine? Am I just gonna be stuck here for ever?

Unlike the other kids I can't just go out into the world. Go to college, play pro volleyball. I'm the only one who got kidnapped.

I never watch tv or pay attention to the schedule. It would only make this harder. Alex always comes and drags me to important meetings.

I go in a hoodie. So I can put the hood on and hide my year streaked face. The meetings are always about the start of online school. It never helps my depression.

"Amber, why don't you come work out with me??" Alex asks full of hope to get me out of my room. He always tries that stuff. Let's go swimming or play volleyball or workout. It never works.

"No" I said staring at the floor. We were both sitting on the side of my bed.

"Come on Amber! Please you can't stay here forever!" He was clearly frustrated. I wanted nothing of the idea of getting out of this room unless I could go home.

"Your right I can't, so I will stay here until I can leave this stupid place and go home!" I snapped. His face was surprised. He looked at the floor and then back to me. Then he did something I never thought he would.

He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close to him. My body right up against his. I gently laid my head against his chest and cried. "Darling, how many times do I have to tell you, you are home," he soothed. Although I didn't find it very soothing.

I snapped my head up, tearing my body away from his. This time I couldn't hold it in. "You think this could ever be my home?! I was taken from my mom and brother! They sit at home worried about me! Wondering if I'm dead or not!! How will I ever be able to live like that?! Knowing that everyday I sit here wondering if what's happening with them! My mom was poor to begin with! Now she is probably using all the money she can trying to find me! I just want to go to my real home! Where I belong! Not this hell hole being held captive!!" I was crying harder now.

Alex looked at me in shock. He got up nodded an apology at me then left me alone.

I curled up in the bed and cried till I fell asleep.

Hey guys! So this chapter is dedicated to percabth_is_my_life! Thanks for supporting my writing girl!(and for the shout out!) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please comment follow and vote:)!!!! Love you all!!

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