Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

I looked around the small smelly room. My hand and feet almost numb from the duct tape keeping held to the chair I was sitting in. My mouth and eyes were dry. My stomach rumbled. Where am I? What happened? When is the last time I ate? Ok, what can I remember my name is Amber Hicks. I'm 14, I have a little brother, I like volleyball no wait scratch that I love volleyball.

O my gosh! Was I kidnapped?!? Did the guys I tried to help take me?! What is my mom thinking?! Is she worried what about Blake is he glad I'm gone?! No of course not he would miss me. But what

Is going to happen to me?? What do these guys want from me?? Do they want money? I hope not cause heaven knows we don't have much of that! What if they try to hurt me or worse kill me?!! No no no no!!! I can't die yet I'm still only 14!! I still haven't had my first kiss yet let alone had a boyfriend!! I didn't get to say bye to my family or friends!

Ok Amber deep breathes it's going to be ok. They want to see my worked up they want to see fear and panic light up my eyes. For now I should focus on what is happening. Ok so I'm kidnapped, I'm tightly duct taped to chair, I don't know where I am besides the fact that I'm in a small, damp room. I wrinkled my nose as some water dripped on it. Ok I'm in a very damp room.

While I was thinking I heard a squeal competing from the left. I threw my head in that direction. It was the door opening I studied the environment out side of my little room. I saw a bright light surrounding a tall narrow figure. I tried to keep myself together taking slow, quiet deep breaths. The figure slowly made its way towards me. The room was too dark to see the exact figures of his face. All I could see is his oval face and slim built body. He finally made his way towards me.

He carefully placed a piece of dry bread in my hand. The took off the duck tape holding my hand down he stood there starring at me. After a few seconds I slowly brought the bread up to my mouth tried it. Not bad could be better but I'll take it. After a few bites he forcefully took the bread back. " Too slow," he grunted at me with a deep voice. He taped my hand back in place, drizzled some water in my mouth and made his way out of my room. Once again I was alone in the dark.

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