Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

"The boss found me after they died, when I was 12, and took me under his wing. He always was there for me treated me like his son. Here I am still working for him 3 years later," he explained. I sat there starring at him in shock. So he has live with this evil person when he seems so... So sweet. "He's a good guy rely. He home schools me, keepers me fed gives me a roof over my head," he continued, "he will do the same for you if you behaved," he winked at me. Wait a second did he wink at me?!

I must be going crazy!! He wants me to stay with him and his boss, behave, and then he winks at me?! I must of look rely shocked because Alex's face changed, he looked more worried. Ok now I've lost it!! My kidnapper worried about me??!?

"He's not that bad Amber!! He rely loves me like his own son! I don't think you should expect less from him!" Alex pleaded. "How the heck do you think I could even think of being nice around this guy?!? He took me from my family!! Your parents died that different! My mom and brother are waiting at home for me!! Who does this guy think he is anyways?!?" , I lost all control," I hate this guy more and more every second I'm here!! I hate you!!" I soon as I said it I regretted it. He was the only person who actually showed a little bit of kindness towards me.

Alex's face went firm, he looked like if he could he would punch me. "Biff get in here you lug!!" Alex screamed obviously pissed. The guard, Biff, took heavy steps as he walked in to the room. "I'm done with her," Alex waved his hand in disgust and walked out.

Biff's cubby face glowed with an evil smirk. He laughed a deep evil laugh then grabbed a roll of duct tape and a dish cloth. He immediately went to work. He untied my hand off the chair then grabbed both arms, pointed the palm of my hands upwards, then duct taped my wrists together. Next the took the dish cloth and tied it as a gag around my mouth.

"Shhh," he put his finger to his lips then chuckled. Man was he enjoying this to much. Then I saw it. A whip!! It had a leather handle and a thin but spiky tip. I started thrashing around in my chair. I tried to scream but nothing came out. He threw the whip over his shoulder then snapped it on to my palms I screamed as load as I could, the gag muffling the sound.

I hope your enjoying this book so far!! I'm having a blast writing it!! Let me know what you think:)

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