Days Union x Albert

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Happy November.

Summary: Albert and the Days Union goes to the grocery store to buy the stuffs needed for the thanksgiving dinner, what could possibly go wrong?

"Can we please go with you [Identity] Albert?"

The Days Union was currently having a debate with Albert on weather or not they would go with him outside of the city through the portal to the grocery store for the needed supplies. Albert shakes his head in annoyance. "No! Remember the last time we all went together and you guys started a food fight? And I'm talking about all of you. Even you, Great, you weren't any help at all to stopping them!" "We promise that it won't happen again." Great replies.
Everyone was practically giving him puppy eyes and huddled around him like a bunch of lost sheep without a shepherd, Albert sighs.

"Come on dear, we promised not to mess around~"

"Please... don't leave all by yourself.."


Albert huffs out and covered up his face for a second, everybody's eyes were on him waiting for his response. Albert groans and removes his hands from his now flustered face.
"F-fine! But we have to actually buy something this time- got it?" Everyone shouts for joy and excitement, they nod and so they all went on their way. And Albert took the list with the needed things for the thanksgiving dinner and he got ready; the Union seemed to be ready as well so they teleport in front of the grocery store.

While the rest were trying to regain their consciousness, Albert walks over to the shopping carts and pulls one out for himself.
"[Identity] Albert! Wait for us!" Dynamic calls out as the rest catches up to him. Albert rolls his eyes and quietly laughs to himself, "Oh wait- before we enter..." Albert says, stopping everyone in the process. "I have a few rules for you boys, okay first take all of the weapons off of you guys." So the Union searches themselves and take out all sorts of things like guns, knifes, tasers, and Emotionless had somehow brought a bomb along; in which Great had immediately confiscated. As Albert was talking, a man accidentally bumps into him, making Albert slump down to the ground; they seemed to be in a hurry.
"Hey! Watch where you're going you foolish scum!" Macabre barks out at the person, Scary walks over to them and shoves him away from Albert with such a hefty force. "I-I'm sorry!" The person replied with a panicked tone. "*gasp* [Identity] Albert! How dare you hurt our little sweetheart!" Radiant says as he helped Albert up, Albert groans and looks at the knee had had scraped from the ground.
As everyone was ready to beat the person up, all shooting their own versions of angered expressions towards them, Albert's eyes widen; he quickly goes over to the mess and gets in between them.

"Hey guys, chill out! Keep your shirts on! Let the poor guy alone. He just made a small mistake, that's all."

"But- [Identity] Albert, he made you stumble down and now you have germs all over you!"

Albert groans and walks over to the person, "I'm sorry about my friends-" "Boyfriends." "*sigh* My... whatever. They sometimes tend to overact because they are not used to all this and don't know how to act in front of strangers, I'm also sorry that you almost got beaten up by 13 demented men..." but before Albert could speak on, the man runs off because he got scared from all the stares that the Union was giving him; mainly Great's intimidating aura. Albert just stood there watching that poor person run away in anguish, he slowly turns his gaze back towards the group who all gave him an apologetic look. He would just glare back at them. "*sigh*....Wait- where did the shopping cart go?" At this, everyone looked around and there was no sign of it. "Well... I guess we'll have to get a new one-" "I'll go get it for you [Identity] Albert~!" Radiant cuts him off, before he could respond, a new argument forms amongst the Union.

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