Unstable Day x Albert

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(Thought this AU would fit better with Unstable :3)
Summary: Albert's one kind gesture sparks a flame inside Unstable's unstable heart, but in a bad way; he eventually starts to obsess over him and takes things a bit too far...

(Also in this specific chapter, Unstable is going to be an infected-)
(Murder/Slight Gore)

[5:36 AM]
TV: 'Multiple reports of murders came in yesterday, at the time square of robloxia where the shooting occurred; the person behind the killing is yet unknown... but some reporters claim that it could be the unstable killer, the ex-operative of the days union that had recently escaped from the asylum, all citizens are to be-'

Albert sighs and turns off the television, he didn't want to give himself an anxiety attack before he needed to head to work.
He finished up his breakfast, and then headed outside. It was foggy, adding to the creepiness of the atmosphere.
Albert walks over to the bus stop to wait for his ride, since he had to admit; he was actually scared to walk all the way to work alone.
He plugs the earphone bud to his ear and takes a seat on the bench, jamming to his favorite music to distract himself for awhile.

All of a sudden, he somehow thought he felt breathing down his neck. Albert takes out one of the buds and turns around to see... nothing?
He swore he felt breathing though, was it just his brain playing tricks on him? Albert shivers from the thought, now it was almost impossible to listen to music without being cautious of his surroundings. After what seemed like eternity, the bus finally arrived. Albert quickly gets up and hops on the bus, he shows the bus driver his pass and took a seat at the very back; it was pretty empty in the vehicle.
There was an old lady, a woman and her son, a man that seemed like some sort of business man... but one man stood out from the rest, Albert raises a brow and inspects the person from afar.
They were wearing a huge jacket and was shaking a lot, they seemed to be murmuring something; but he couldn't make it out what he was saying.
The other passengers seemed somewhat concerned for the guy, Albert felt bad for the poor dude.
He was probably cold, that could be the reason why they were wearing that oversized jacket.
After all, it was the middle of January.

Albert sighs, he took off his long-sleeved coat and walks over to the shaking man gently. "Um, s-sir..." Albert lightly taps him on the shoulder, making them instantly turn to face him, Albert flinches from the abnormal speed, but flashes a warm smile.
"You seem pretty cold, here, you can have my coat." The man seemed to be caught off-guard by Albert's gesture, but he slowly took the coat from Albert's hand.
Just as Albert was about to walk back to his seat, the person lightly grabs his shirt; pulling him back. Albert's eyes widen and turns around, quite confused.
"D-do you want me to stay?" The person nods and nervously lowers their posture, Albert gently smiles and sits down next to him.

"So, do you.. have a name?"


Albert flinches from the unnecessarily loud tone, but he just softly smiles. "Oh, Albert, nice to meet you." Albert gestures a hand-shake, Unstable blankly stares at his hand. He blushes and slowly shakes it.

The rest of the bus ride was okay, Albert had gotten off once he had reached his office.
But as soon as the bus door closes behind him, he realizes that he forgot his coat.
'Ah, fuck it' Albert huffs, he then headed to work.
Unstable on the other hand, was inspecting the brunettes coat.
He picks it up and hugs it closely to his chest, the other passengers on the bus stared at him as if he was a psychopath.
But that didn't bother him, Unstable continued to savor the sent of the human. And he was hungry for more.
But first, he would need to find out more about this person..

[8:46 PM]
"That should do it!" Albert huffed out as he stacks the last of his paper works, he was pretty exhausted.
Albert nearly screamed when someone touched his shoulder out of nowhere.
Albert turns around and quickly punches the person out of instinct... except it was only his co-worker Adam.
Adam hissed in pain, while Albert gasped.

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