Great Day x Albert

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(A/N: I will be starting off with the Grape himself, cuz.... he's the fucking leader of the motherfucking Days Union lmao)

Summary: Albert is a young man from a small town. One day he meets with the towns mayor on a Sunday afternoon. At first they thought nothing of their relationship, but it quickly turned into something more than just friendship.

Albert was taking a stroll as usual, it was something he did regularly. He liked it because it was a time that he could just relax and take in the afternoon breeze. He could see the moon slowly rising from the horizon as the sun sets behind him. Today was perfect, almost too perfect.

His walk was uneventful as usual, until he felt a hand grip on his shoulder. Albert jumps and swiftly turns around, it was the mayor!

"O-oh! Heh... well hello there Mr. Great Day!" Albert greets as he straightens his posture. Great smiled down at Albert. "Greetings [Citizen] Albert." "What might you be doing out here, when you are busy taking care of the village?" Albert asked.  "Ah, well you see. The work got me all stressed out so I decided to take a small stroll. Considering that the weather is absolutely amazing today!" Great chuckles at the end. "It is amazing indeed!" Albert smiles.

"Would you mind if I joined you for awhile [Citizen] Albert?" "No, not at all!"

The two males where chatting along, and genuinely having a great time as the sun sets behind them.

"So, [Citizen] Albert." Great says, getting Albert's attention. "Would you mind joining me tomorrow for tea?" Great asks hopefully. "Of course!" Albert smiles, making Great blush slightly.... wait... did the mayor just blush? Albert shook the thought from his mind.

"Alright then! So is 9 AM okay for you?" Great asks. "Sure!" "Perfect."

It was the next morning and Albert got up with excitement, he rarely got to meet the mayor and somehow he got the chance to join him for tea today!  Albert quickly got up and headed to his closet. He couldn't find anything spectacular in particular but found something decent enough, it was a long white-sleeved button up shirt, with a blue overall and a red bow tie. He grabbed his outfit and headed to the restroom to change into them.

It took him only 7 minutes to complete his outfit, it was new for him since it usually takes him at least 10 minutes. Anyways, after changing he brushed his hair making it took as presentable as possible.

Meanwhile with Great, he was deciding on what tea he was going to give Albert. Great mentally smacked himself on the head for forgetting to ask the boy what kind of tea he enjoys. But it was no time to be mad. Since the options where limited, he decided to pick the lavender tea.

He personally liked the green tea but decided to go for lavender. Since he heard from a certain Citizen that whoever you drink lavender tea with, will give you a luck of getting along with them. To him it didn't really make any sense but he had no other options.

"Well lavender tea it is!" Chippers one of his helpers, Radiant. "Hope your so called "tea time" goes well." Radiant winked. Great just gave a blank stare. Radiant chuckles and headed out of the room.

Now that he thinks about it, he does have this weird feeling for the Citizen, Albert. He doesn't know exactly but he isn't sure if he liked it or not.

Back to Albert.
He was currently done with his outfit, it was 8:46 AM. He didn't bother making himself some breakfast fast since this meeting was important to him for some reason. Probably cause' it was with the mayor, he's still not sure. Anyways, he ignored his hunger and quickly headed out. He didn't live that far from Great so he decided to slow down.

He had plenty of time left.
Enough for him to think about his feelings for Great.

He thought about the strange feeling he got as soon as Great was introduced as the mayor. It was like... no it couldn't be. He has only met with the mayor at least three times! Why did he even have this feeling? Albert face palmed and groaned. Did he really love him?

Albert was smacked back into reality by the growls of his stomach, it was perfect cause' he realized that he was already in front of the mayors residence.

Albert took a deep breath, here goes nothing!

Albert knocked on the door, and shortly after the door opened to reveal a very happy Great.

"Welcome [Citizen] Albert! I see that you have finally arrived. You arrived earlier then expected..." Great smiled as he gestured the door open. "Yep! Glad to know that I wasn't late like last time!" Both males chuckles as they thought of what happened the last time they had a meeting. Albert had somehow managed to somehow loose his pants on the way to the meeting, Albert was humiliated. But thanks to Great, he was able to borrow one of his trousers for the day.

The two of them where suddenly snapped out, as soon as they realized how close they were. Great cleared his throat.

"Yeah... anyways, you may come in!" Great blushed as he opened the door for Albert. "T-thanks..."

After some time, the two were now at the dining table. They were both enjoying their tea, it also turned out that Albert really liked lavender tea to Greats surprise.

"So anyways... how are you on this fine day?" Great asks as he sips on his tea, it wasn't the best but he didn't want to look weird in front of his guest. "I'm doing great! You?" Albert asks, Great chuckles at Albert's dialogue. "A great day as usual." He replies.

They were having a blast talking about what kind of tea that they enjoyed, and all of the above.

Their interaction was cut short after a question that Great asked.

"So [Citizen] Albert, is there someone that you are interested in particular? You are a single man that is now 19 years old." Albert froze, Great wanted to slap himself in the face. 'Darn it Great!' He thought 'you just destroyed your friendship with Albert you idiot!' Great mentally face palmed.

"I- I do have someone in mind..." Albert stutters. Great was snapped out, wait, who could Albert be interested in? "A-and who might that be...?" Great asked, feeling a bit jealous. Yes, Great admitted to himself that he had a crush on one of his [Citizen] and that [Citizen] was Albert.

"Y-you... Mr. Great Day..." Albert blushes and his his face with his collar. Great froze, was he hearing things. He could feel his face burning. "P-pardon?" Great asked still a bit shocked.

"I... think I have an interest in you... sir.." Albert was embarrassed on what the mayor had to reply. Albert was sure that he had ruined his potential friendship with Great. But to his relive, Great wasn't mad.

Albert looked up to see Great gazing at him with a loving look. That could mean one thing.

"I... I think I feel the same [Citizen] Albert..." Great smiled. Albert could feel tears of joy coming from his eyes. "R-really?" Albert asked.

Albert pulled Great into a hug, despite him being shorter than him, Albert managed to get a grip around the mayor's chest. Great was surprised by the sudden action but quickly pulled Albert into the hug as well.

He wrapped his arms around Albert's waist and hugged him tightly.... a bit too tight...

Albert wheezed "O-Okay okay! You can let go of me now! I can't breathe!!!" Albert blushes.
Great quickly loosens his grip, he blushes madly. Suddenly Albert's stomach starts to growl.

"Say, mind if I take you out for dinner tonight [Citizen] Albert?" Great asked, with a slight smirk. Albert chuckles lightly. "That would be great!"

(Words: 1,358)

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! More coming soon!

Euphoria (Axed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora