Placid Day x Albert

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(I decided to use this specific AU because Placid's mask always reminded me of one of those face paints or masks they use in Mexican holidays.)

Summary: Albert takes a vacation to Mexico and is about to miss the flight back to his own country because he misses the cab for the airport. He gets helps from one of the inhabitants of the place.
(Amorous or Fluff/Spanish)

Albert felt panic wash over him as he sees his cab roll away before he could get in, he would constantly repeat 'no, no, no,' to himself as he would attempt to catch up to it. But it was obviously no use. 
Albert pants and checks the time on his phone, it was 7 o' clock in the morning and his plane would leave at around 8 o' clock in the evening. And the airport was far away from his hotel, and he had a luggage to worry about. What was he to do now?
Albert frantically looked around and it didn't seem like anyone could hint that he needed help. But... that's when he backed up into a certain stranger.


"*gasp* Dios mío, lo siento mucho!"

Albert looks back up and sees a man gesturing a hand towards him for him to grab, so Albert takes it and he helps him up.
He faces the man and sees that they were wearing a mask and they held out a hand to him for a handshake. "Saludos, mi nombre es Plácido." Albert just blankly stares at him, the guy would raise a brow in confusion behind his mask. "Uh... hablas español?" He could understand that though, "N-no... Sorry, I don't speak Spanish..." "Oh- you're American, my apologies!" The guy shifts his mask away from his face and flashes a grin towards him, and they reach out a hand again. "My name is Placid, is.. something wrong? You seem like something's bothering you." Albert shakes his hand and nods. He was relieved that the guy knew English. "My name is Albert, and yes. Today I have a flight back to my country and I missed the cab, it leaves tonight and I don't know my way around here and my phone is about to die!" Placid gives him an understanding look, and reassured him. "Don't worry, I can help you with that. There is a bus station that goes to the airport somewhere around here!" He said, "But it gets very crowded here during the Dia De Los Muertos holiday." Albert raises a brow. "What's that..?" "Oh nothing, it's just some sort of a holiday for los muertos, which means the dead." "Ooh.. that explains why everyone here is wearing skeletal face paints and things like that." "*laugh* Come along, it's this way!" Placid would chipper out as he lead Albert away from the area, Albert smiles and follows him.
As they were walking, Placid had offered to stroll around the luggage for him. At first Albert would politely decline his offer, but when he saw that they were determined to do so; he gladly accepts it. After a few minutes, Placid starts up a conversation. "So Albert, is this your first time here?" Albert looks towards him, giving his attention. "Yep, I just came here for a few days." Placid nods.

"Oh, okay. So how did you miss your cab?"

"Uh- well... don't laugh at me but I kinda might have over slept.."

"Oh, haha, that's understandable."

"Hey, I thought I said no laughing."

Placid just laughs out loud and Albert quietly chuckles along, they just met were already starting to become good friends.
It didn't take too long for Albert to start to become tired, but not wanting to cause Placid any more trouble, Albert just pretends that everything was okay.
It seemed to work for awhile, since they were getting lost in a conversation about themselves and getting to know each other more, but that's when Albert accidentally stumbles on a sidewalk. He mentally face palms for not looking where he was going. Placid lets go of the luggage and quickly goes over to Albert, he helps him up again and Albert thanks him. Suddenly some people in festive clothing comes up to them and one of them puts something like a flower crown on Albert's head, and then they head towards a large crowd that was assembled and dancing in a certain spot where music was playing.
They both stay silent for awhile.
"Uh, are you alright?" Placid asks, Albert nods and takes off the flowers from his head to inspect it. It had a variety of different types of flowers in orange, red, yellow, and purple. He then puts it back on his head, liking the way it looked. Placid would just grin and let out a soft chuckle. "It looks good on you." He would say, as Albert smiles back. "Thanks! Now I can at least fit in with the rest of the people. *laugh*" All of a sudden Placid was stuck in his thoughts about the way how pretty Albert looked with the accessory, and became oblivious of Albert's stares.

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