Scary Day x Albert

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Song/OneShot Requested by: My friend ._.

Summary: Scary Day is sent into a mental facility due to his unnatural behaviors.

It was night and the hospital or 'facility' was pretty empty, no other souls were there other than 2 employees, couple of patients, and one supervisor.

Albert nervously fidgets his sleeves, he was meeting his new patient. It's not like it was his first, he was actually used to it now. But this patient was different... he... it made him feel uneasy. He had read past encounters with his client, and all of them resulted in deaths by an unknown element.

He jumps as a file of documents where slammed onto his table, he quickly looks up to see his supervisor. "Get up, don't want to keep the patient waiting." His supervisor spoke in a monotone voice. "Y-yes, sir..." Albert quickly gets up as he picks up the documents and some note pads, along with his favorite blue pencil. He follows his supervisor to the chamber where the client was currently held at, the way to the place made him eerily tingle, and his supervisor seemed to feel the same way. They stopped once they reached the room 9195, Albert gulped as he got tense just by looking at the door. His supervisor sighs. "Alright, I guess your on your own here. You have 5 minutes" Then he left, Albert wipes the tiny trickle of sweat from his forehead and grabs the door handle with shakey hands.

'Alright Albert, you can do this' he told himself, then in a swift yet gentle move; he opens the door and immediately closes it behind him. He opens his eyes to see his supposed client, faced the other way. He lets out a wavering sigh, and he walks up to the glass wall which divided the two. Albert places his documents on the table and turns on the receiver, he nervously clears his throat. "Hello, y-you must be Mr. Scary_Day according to the files or documentary's." Albert says, flashing an awkward grin; Scary remained silent but nods.

"Alright! So... uh, I will be asking you a couple of questions; would that be okay with you?"

"Yeah, whatever; it's not like you needed to ask or anything..."

"Oh, uh... okay..?"

Albert sits down on the circular spinny chair and held the papers in his hands, he looks through the rows of questions; and faces his client once more to see that they were now facing him. Albert's eyes widen, since it only took him seconds... but he decided to not be rude and clears his throat.

"Alright Scary.. uh, so what is the reason of you being here?"

"I don't know, probably just something that I did?"

"Um okay, so uh... what did you do before you were sent here?"

"Was an [Operative], in some sort of.. corporation."

Albert pursed his lips and nodded, he looked down at the notepad and took down some informations. "So what did you do to cause these strange occurrences?" Albert asks, with an intriguing expression. "Well, we where doing some tests on our [Test Subjects]. But it ended as a failure, causing me to act... 'strange' at times..." Scary answers, in a low tone. Albert felt anxious all of a sudden, he felt his stomach turn. "Oh, a-alright..." Albert clears his throat and gets up from his seat, he checks his watch to check the time. His session was almost over since he was only given 5 minutes, he glanced at his client who was now facing down. "Well, it seems like our session is over... uh..." Albert paused. "I'll... see you tomorrow." Albert nervously grins, Scary glances at Albert one last time before he left. Albert, was obviously oblivious to all this.

Albert heads out of the chamber and sighs, that was easier than he thought. Actually he seemed like a pretty good guy... but what could he know? Albert packs up his stuff and headed back to his place, after the next person taking the shift punched in their card in the punch clock. He still couldn't get that eerie feeling out that he had while he was with the client, it caused him to have trouble sleeping that night. He couldn't exactly put his finger on it.

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