Unstable Day x Albert

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Summary: It's winter, and Unstable and Albert just basically hang out for the day.

(Very romantic already-)

Albert is woken up by the gleefully excited Unstable who shook him awake.
He seemed to be dressed up perfectly for winter.
Albert groggily opens his eyes and met the other's blue orbs, so he slowly gets up as he pushed Unstable's hand off of him.
"*groan* What is it Unstable? It's not even 6 in the morning..." Albert yawns out. "LOOK!" Unstable shouts out as he points towards the window, "ITS SNOWING!"
His statement made Albert's eyes instantly lit up and he quickly looks over to the window; and sure enough, it was.
A huge smile forms on his face. "Well, what are we waiting for? Come on!" Before Unstable could say another word, Albert quickly gets up; puts on a warm jacket, a scarf and a pair of mittens, and grabs onto his hand as he ran outside of his house.
As soon as a they were outside, his face turns red as the cold winter breeze blew past them, making him shiver.
Unstable notices this and just laughs out.


Before Albert could protest or even respond, this time Unstable cuts him off as he takes off his hat and plops it on top of his messy brown hair.
He lets out a sigh as he is warmed up by the hat and thanks him, making a faint blush appear on his face.
The two starts to walk and sees that a bunch of people were having snowball fights and making a snowman here and there of all different shapes and sizes. Some dogs were even happily rolling around in the snow.
That's when Albert's light bulb flicks on.
He looks over to Unstable who was busy looking on ahead, so taking his opportunity, he lowers himself as he continues to walk and grabs a few pieces of snow, then he forms it into a spherical shape. "Hey, Unstable~" he says, Unstable turns around blushing, but his eyes widen as he's met with a face full of snow. He spits out some of the snowflakes that had gone into his mouth and looks towards Albert who wore a cheeky smirk; Unstable sends the other a look.
"SO, THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO PLAY; HUH?" Unstable's says as he bends over to make a snowball of his own, Albert's smirk drops as he realized what he had gotten himself into.
"H-hey, Unstable.. I didn't mean that-" But Unstable throws the ball of snow towards Albert, so that's how the small snowball fight started between them for awhile.
Unstable chases Albert with a snowball in hand as Albert screams and runs for his life, then, Unstable launches himself onto Albert and pins him down in the snow.
Albert yells out with a flushed face, and Unstable laughs out.
They both pant into each other as their warm breaths huffed out in the cold air.
"*pant, pant* Dang it Unstable, now we're both worn out because you couldn't control yourself!" Albert gasps out, but Unstable thought otherwise, not wanting to have a argument, Albert tries to think of something to do. Unstable gets up and gestures a hand towards Albert, Albert takes it and Unstable helps him up. They both dust of the snow off their clothes.
By now the sun had already arose and the two walks together around the snow again; they had decided to go to the the nearby woods.

They took the leafy path that was lightly decorated with trails of snow and dirt into the enchanting woods, snowflakes fell around the two, lightly covering their clothes up with a thin lair of coldness, and the dead leafs crunches under their shoes.
Albert stuffed his gloved hands into his pockets, while Unstable would occasionally steal glances at him when he was not looking. The scenery was like a painting done by Vincent Van Gogh, true art coming to life.
Albert admires the view while Unstable admires his features. Now that he thought about it, Albert actually looked pretty good in his hat.
To him, Albert was the most funniest person he had ever met, besides, he was his only friend from here. So he tried his best to stick around him as long as he could; but that led him to feel something special towards Albert.
Unstable sighs as he thought to himself about how Albert was way out of his league, and that he deserved someone better than him. Someone who was not loud and obnoxious... he also highly doubted that Albert was into guys.

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