Unpredictable Day x Albert

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Summary: Albert is a new child to Miss Peregrine's home for a peculiar children, Albert gets the attention of one kid from the home: Unpredictable.

Credits to: Dangocat69 for giving me this idea :3

Albert sighs as he looks at the map, this must be it. He was standing in front of the peculiar building that belonged to Miss Peregrine. He didn't exactly know why he had been sent there, but he decided to not question it. He walks over to the porch, and then knocks on the door. The door opens to reveal a woman with a warm smile on her face.

"H-" "Oh well hello there! You must be Albert, I'm Miss Peregrine. Come, I'll introduce you to the others!" Miss Peregrine happily states as she pulls Albert in by the arm. Albert yelps as he is pulled into the house, since it was so sudden. The woman softly chuckles. "Sorry about that, I hope I didn't scare you too much..." she says, Albert sends a reassuring smile. "Oh no, it's alright." "Splendid! Come, let us continue with the introduction!" She says as she guides Albert into the backyard.
In the backyard, Albert saw a few kids playing around and playing chase with each other. Albert notices one kid, he was... staring at him..?

"Children! We have a newcomer, come and introduce yourselves!" Miss Peregrine shouts out, getting the others attention. Some ran up to them, while the rest walks. The kids introduce themselves to Albert, they got along pretty well. Albert learned all their peculiarities, but he still hadn't talked with the kid who was staring at him... which was weird...

That night Albert was woken up by someone, he shifted around and saw that it was the kid from earlier. "Uh, do you need anything?" Albert asks, still unsure about the other. The person smiles and nods their head, he held Albert by the arm and led him to the top of the house.

"Oh, I haven't properly introduced myself have I...?" The kid asks, Albert nods his head as a response. "Well, names Unpredictable. My peculiarity is being Unpredictable." The male chuckles at the end, Albert sends a warm smile. "That a very peculiar name." Unpredictable blushes lightly and leads Albert to the very top of the roof. He sits down and gestures Albert to have a seat next to him, Albert accepts his offer and sits down.

"So, what is your peculiarity Albert?"

"I... I don't know yet..."

"Oh, I could probably help you sometimes to try and find it out!"

"That would be great, Unpredictable!"


"No problem..."

Albert sighs, he was still rather tired since he was woken up from his slumber. Unpredictable seemed to notice this. "Tired?" He asks. "No shit Sherlock... *yawn*" Unpredictable laughs, he enjoyed Albert's company. And Albert seemed to like it as well. Unpredictable froze as Albert laid his head down on his lap, he felt his face heat up. "Uh.. Albert?" He nervously says out. "Yeah...?" Albert tiredly yawns out; Unpredictable just sighs and sends a smile toward the other. "Nothing... sorry to bother you this late..." he sighed at the end, Albert just weakly chuckles and pats him reassuringly on the lap. "It's fine... besides; the stars look wonderful tonight. And the moon makes it even better." Albert states with closed eyes. Unpredictable nods as an agreement, the night sky did look very pleasant.

Seconds, minutes, and hours had gone by and the two were still talking non-stop. Unpredictable notices that Albert had been oddly quiet for the last few minutes, he looks down to see the brunette already fast asleep on his lap. He smiled, Albert looked peaceful when he slept. He noticed that the sun had already started to rise up, so he picks Albert up and carries him back down to the window. On his way, he took in Albert's features. He looked pretty feminine for a male, he blushes and brushes the fuzzy feeling off. It was probably his brain playing tricks on him; since he hadn't slept yet.
When he reaches Albert's room, he tucks Albert in and takes one last glance at him. He smiles and then leaves with the same fuzzy feeling he had earlier.

"So did you two have fun last night?"

Unpredictable jumps and looks towards the source of the noise, it was Miss Peregrine. "W-what do you mean?" He questions, causing the lady to laugh softly. "You seem to be quite interested in the newcomer!" Unpredictable blushes and covers up his face with his collar. "N-no..?" He nervously replies. "Oh Unpredictable, you are an unpredictable one indeed." Miss Peregrine chuckles out.

"You know what I am talking about, you like him!"

"I don't..!"

"I know that look too well to not know what it is young man."

Unpredictable blushes, he sighs and admits he did have a fuzzy feeling towards Albert. Miss Peregrine gives an encouraging smile, softly pats Unpredictable on the back. "Don't worry, he would probably feel the same someday..." then she leaves. Unpredictable huffs and goes over to his room, he looks out the window to see that it was already dawn. He decided to fall asleep on the idea, but he never knows...

He probably do have feelings for the brunette....


Word Count: 882

I didn't know what exactly to write on this so sorry if I disappointed you if you know the movie 😅

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