Emotionless Day x Albert

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(Most of the next Oneshots will be smuts from here-)

Summary: Albert and Emotionless was... an interesting type of couple. The thing that stood out was that Emotionless didn't seem to show any affection towards Albert at all... or so, that's what people thought. What even Albert doesn't know is that he has a weird way of showing his emotions.

It has been almost 3 or 4 months ever since Emotionless had asked Albert out, but they sure didn't act like any ordinary couples.
First of all, Emotionless never seemed to really care how Albert was feeling. Probably because he wasn't specifically the type of person to feel or even know how emotions work.
But then again, if he really was completely emotionless, then why did he seem to be shy to ask Albert out?

This question had been in Albert's mind for some time now.

It was a regular Wednesday afternoon and Albert was in his room making videos for his YouTube channel, he was basically playing roblox and trolling some online daters like he usually does. Suddenly he heard the front door open, Emotionless must be back from work.
A smile appears on his face and he closes the game while getting up from his place to greet his male companion.
He goes downstairs and sees Emotionless with a blank expression as usual, he took off his hat and hung it on the cloak hanger.
"Welcome back!" Albert would greet as he walked up to him, "So, how was work?" Emotionless just stares at him for awhile, and then nods. "It was okay, I'll be in my office now." Emotionless walks right past him before Albert could give him a hug, Albert frowns and a sad sigh escapes form his lips.
He was wondering if Emotionless really loved him anymore...
Trying to get things off his mind, he starts to prepare dinner. That usually comforts him in situations like this.

Emotionless opens the door to his office and places his briefcase on the floor next to the closet. He inspects the room and sees that Albert had done a good job of cleaning the place. He takes out some paperworks from the bag and places them on the desk, he takes a seat and immediately gets to work.
He sighs and opens the pen and starts to scribble down some words on the papers, as he did that he gets lost in his mind.
He thinks about how he and Albert first met, and now awkward it must have been for the other. Because- well, he himself couldn't feel this 'awkwardness'. And also about the time he had asked him out... that was a special moment for him. Emotionless was now focusing on that, that was one of those few times he had felt a slight spark of emotions. And somehow, somehow, only Albert was able to make him feel that way. Why? Well, even he didn't know.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he accidentally squeezes the pen too hard that ink would drip out, Emotionless gets snapped out of his thoughts and blankly stares at the mess on the desk. He didn't really feel mad, just kind of upset since he would have to make Albert clean up all over again. So trying to do him a favor for once in his life for him, he goes to the bathroom and grabs a few paper towels and a sanitizer. He walks back to the desk and scrubs the ink off of it for some time, and it was now spotless as it used to be. He looked out the window to see that it was already night time.


Albert had called him for dinner, and now they were both silently sitting across each other on the table. Emotionless didn't talk much as he usually does, so Albert just grabs his phone and texts his friends while Emotionless would read a newspaper.
When Albert was not aware, Emotionless would slowly turn his gaze towards him. Albert lets out a small laughter as his friend tells him a stupid joke, making a stupid grin appear on his face. "Who are you talking with?" Emotionless asked while taking a bite out of his food, Albert looks up with widened eyes, clearly surprised that Emotionless had finally started a conversation. His tone also sounded a bit aggressive when he had asked that, so Albert nervously tells his friend that he had to go and places the device on the table and faces Emotionless; who was giving him blank stares with a hint of something...

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